About The Blog

Welcome to E●Zenfit where fitness, nutrition, and yoga are the primary focus. Maintaining an active lifestyle is not easy, but it’s essential to our overall quality of life! So why does something that is so important have to be so hard?? Unfortunately, E●ZenFit doesn’t have that answer. It’s purpose is to give inspiration and motivation by capturing the authors personal experience with sustaining a healthy lifestyle.

About The Author

Hello! I’m Erin and I am a United States Navy Dentist, NASM CPT, 200 YTT and a certified fitness enthusiast. Fitness and wellness have always provided balance in my life, yet I continually struggle to sustain a consistent routine. It’s never been easy, but blogging about my experience helps me stay present in an active lifestyle. My goal is that it will motivate and inspire my readers as well. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let’s Eaze into Fitness with a Zen state of mind!