●BLUF: Stress is real. GT’s has created a tea that may have the ability to help the body adapt to the effects of stress.
●The first time I drank GT’s ALIVE, I was 7 days out from my menstrual cycle. Now I know every woman’s symptoms are not the same, but I think we can agree that that specific time period usually consists of heightened emotions and an overall feeling of what can only be described as “BLAH.” Well that is exactly how I was feeling. Nothing was wrong, but I was stressed and moody, so I decided to try the tea to see if it could give me the pick me up I needed to get through the rest of the day without having a cloud hanging over my head.
●WHAT IS ALIVE? A sparkling, refreshing, lightly caffeinated tea beverage with natural ingredients that offer probiotic and stress reduction properties.

●WHAT IS AN ADAPTOGEN? A natural non-toxic substance that increases the body’s resistance to stress through a non-specific effect. ALIVE uses medicinal mushrooms with adaptogenic properties to enhance the tea.
●INGREDIENTS. Loose leaf teas, medicinal mushrooms (reishi, chaga, and turkey tail), raw apple cider vinegar, and Grade B maple.
●FLAVORS. Guayusa Turmeric which is lightly spicy and tangy, Mate Mint (my favorite) has a mildly sweet mint flavor, and Pu-erh Root tastes like flat root beer. Black lemon, Cascara Spice, and Matcha Vanilla are flavors that haven’t been released but are coming soon.

●BENEFITS. Studies have revealed that adaptogens have neuro-protective, anti-fatigue, anti-depressive, anxiolytic, nootropive (memory enhancing), and CNS stimulating properties. In addition to the general properties, each adaptogen has unique characteritistics. Reishi mushrooms top benefits include anti-aging and immune boosting, Chaga is a powerful anti-inflammatory and natural source of antioxidants, and Turkey Tail is also popular for its immune boosting properties.
●EZ IMPRESSION. While the research for the purported benefits is minimal, it is promising. With any substance, side effects should be considered and a doctor should be consulted. With that being said, after drinking the tea, I didn’t feel this amazing clarity or lift in mood immediately, but gradually I stopped focusing on the cloud, and the sun rays became more apparent. Ultimately, I think that incorporating natural substances that have the ability to enhance your overall well being into your daily routine is a smart move, AND if there are potential anti-aging and anti-cancer benefits, then I’m into it.
The GT’s Living Foods company is most commonly known for their Kombucha drinks but they make a variety of products to include adaptogenic tea, wellness water, water kefir, probiotic shots, and non-dairy coconut yogurt. Their mission is centered around synergy of mind, body, and soul using products derived straight from mother nature. ALIVE adaptogenic tea is not currently being distributed nationwide, but is available in select markets. I was able to find it at Whole Foods in the same section as the Kombucha.
●RESOURCES. /https://gtslivingfoods.com/faq/adaptogenic-tea/ . https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3991026/