Runner’s block, not writer’s block. You read it right! It’s a mental block directly related to running, and yes it’s a real thing!

Let me say, I am no stranger to running. I ran track in middle, in high school I ran cross country and I was on the varsity track team. Now fast forward to my 30s and I HATE running. I legit get nauseous and/or anxious thinking about it. Yet, if I don’t run, then my other forms of cardio include the elliptical, stair master, row or bike and let’s just face it, there is nothing and I mean nothing like a runner’s high.

So I decided to make running a habit. Every time I walk into the gym I have to run. That’s my habit. I didn’t stipulate how fast or for how long, but every time I workout in a gym, I have demanded (from myself) that I run. This doesn’t seem like too hard of a goal… at least it didn’t until I realized I had runner’s block. I literally felt dread every time I looked at a treadmill. How am I overcoming the block?

Keep Reading to find out!


This is self explanatory. Music fuels everything! I literally have a “running” (pun intended) RUN playlist and a MOTIVATION playlist on deck to fuel my mindset during my runs. If a song comes on that I like, it’s that much eazier for me to get lost in the music and even forget that I’m running.


I noticed that if my legs feel stiff and it’s hard to move them, it makes the exercise extremely uncomfortable and therefore unpleasant for me. Doing a proper warm up can not only change how your body feels during the run, but it can also prevent injuries and enhance performance.


One of the benefits of mindfulness is that it enables you to focus and be present in the moment. If you can learn to be more present for your run, you might learn that there is joy to be found in the movement. Some mindfulness exercises can be counting your inhales and exhales or visualizing yourself running on a path at your ideal destination.


For a while my whole focus was on getting faster. Run faster Run faster, but then I realized that my urgency to speed up was actually slowing me down because I would feel blocked during the run and then quit. Instead of pushing myself to the point of quitting, I decided to just slow down and allow my habit to evolve in its own time.


Long runs can be boring! I mean how much can you think about for three miles?! And do we even want to be thinking that much?? To eliminate boredom I try to add variety by doing tabata runs or uphill sprints.


I honestly can’t stress this enough!! Use the people around you to help motivate you! When you have someone who shares a common goal, the journey to the finish line is that much eazier and that much sweeter! Don’t do it by yourself if you don’t have to.

Have you ever dealt with runner’s block? Drop your tips and tricks for breaking through! I’d love to hear from you!


“Contentment is falling in love with your life” – Swami Rama

Would you rather be free in contement or imprisoned in lack?

There are things that I really want in my life.

Over the past few months I found myself really obsessing over not having those things. To be fully transparent I want a life partner, and a family. I was so focused on what I didn’t have and thinking about what I needed to do to attain them, that I realized I wasn’t happy with my present, not because there wasn’t joy there, but I couldn’t see it because I was so focused on my future joy. 

That’s been a pattern for me. I set my eye on something I want, and then I hyper focus until I get it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m super happy once I achieve my goal, but what if I could’ve been happy throughout the entire process? 

I feel like there’s this idea that if you are content, then you aren’t growing. Kind of like contentment with your present  is equivalent to lack of motivation for your future. 

But is that true? Contentment and complacency are not the same thing.

Can you be happy with where you are in life today and still have goals for where you want to be tomorrow or the next day? 

Yes. You can.

Santosha- is a Niyama or observance that means Contentment. 

Keep reading for some guided journal prompts in the practice of Santosha.


If you aren’t happy do you feel like fear of missing out or the grass being greener on the other side are affecting how you feel about your current situation?


Try identifying non-external sources of happiness. These are things that you can actually control. Take control of your happiness by directing it in inwards vs. outwards.


 Or is everything focused on the future? 

If you are always thinking about the next move or the next step, how do you have time to enjoy the now? 

Can you reframe your thinking so that you can prepare for the future and enjoy the present simultaneously?

Being content doesn’t negate aspirations, it creates space to enjoy, understand, and appreciate where you are. It provides the understanding that you don’t NEED any external sources to make you happy because happiness is an inside job. It eliminates the stress of FOMO and reinforces the ease of being present in the moment.  

State this affirmation: NOTHING IS MISSING. I have everything I need. My life is complete, I am complete.


It’s the season for giving!! There’s just something about the excitement that people get opening beautifully wrapped boxes filled with gifts! 

I just wish I got that excited when it came to unwrapping myself. As people we are composed of “boxes” constructed by our life experiences. We have all these boxes that form our beliefs and our views and then we wrap those boxes with pretty paper and that’s the presentation that everyone sees. 

The question I recently asked myself is “Is the present better wrapped or open? “ The presentation is beautiful, but what we all really want is on the inside. 

So who are you without the wrapping paper? At the core, unboxed… Who is your divine self? These are questions I’ve been asking myself as I explore the Niyama called Svadhaya or Self Study. 

Keep reading for some journal prompts on the journey to knowing yourself.


Are they the same or are they different?

There is a popular saying that The world is yours. Why is the world ours? Because what we see, how we feel, how we interpret experiences are based off our inner workings.  If you don’t believe me, find someone from your tribe, read about an event that took place and then compare and contrast how you all see that event. 

In order to understand why we see the world the way we do… we have to stop looking out and start looking in. We perceive the world not as it is, but as we are. 


Ask yourself why it made you feel the way you do, and when you come up with an answer ask yourself why again? 

In moments of disharmony press rewind. Play it back in your mind. Why did it bother you. Can you connect it to one of your boxes? Can you unwrap it, get to the bottom of it. The truth of it all.

I think when we answer questions like this, the initial response is surface. When I ask myself why, I try to ask ATLEAST twice. I want to know the real answer! The real reason, hidden beneath the layers of why.


Do you find that certain things are commonly lost in interpretation? 

For me I used to see this mostly in my relationship. My ex would say one thing, and I took it to mean something else and vice versa. My feelings were projected on the conversation and based off of how the words in the conversation made me feel, that’s how I interpreted what was being said . I’m not saying I was right or wrong, but I think that my decoding of the information that was delivered is very telling about what I had/have going on inside of me.

Take notes on how you decipher communication from others. When you run into a situation where there may be miscommunication write down what was said, what the person actually meant by it, and how you took it. Then once again ask yourself why you took it that way.


We all have one. Our ego’s say a lot about who we are. There’s no judgement in it. Just write down the words that come to mind.

Then write down interactions where your ego likes to come out and play. 

What’s the connection between the circumstance and the appearance of your ego? 


If you’re having trouble labeling the boxes try writing down how you feel about love, anger, sadness, beliefs, pet peeves, etc.

For example: for me, right now I feel disheartened about love, the emotion of anger bothers me, sadness is a very familiar feeling, I believe people should treat others with kindness, and I don’t like when people wear shoes in my house. 

Look at what you wrote. How does this reflect who you are at your core and do you think it accurately depicts your true self? These views, these feelings form who u are, what you see, what and how you react to life occurrences. 

Do you like what you see? If not, the way to reshape and remold starts with breaking down and then throwing out certain boxes.


Baddha Virabhadrasana ”Humble Warrior Pose” – amongst other things, this asana cultivates a sense of introspection.

These are the five that I came up with:

-I have a resilient heart & I love hard

-I let my emotions dictate my actions 

-I am sweet natured to the core. It’s one of my traits that I honor and appreciate the most.

-I am triggered when I think someone is going to leave me because of things that have happened in my past 

-I am projecting when I get agitated at people who under communicate because I often under communicate.

-I often stifle my own voice in order to make it easier for others

When I look at what I wrote, I’m not ecstatic about some of these statements, but I know that they are true AND I now know what areas I might want to work on and how to work on them.

In this season of gifts, take some time to unwrap yourself. Remind yourself of the gift you are!


This is not what I imagined my life would be like.

 Have you ever said this to yourself? I have. Several times. 

10 years ago, if you would’ve asked me what I saw for my life I would’ve imagined that at 35 I would be a well established dentist, happily married with three kids. Well I’m not married and I don’t have kids, but I am a well established Navy dentist in a healthy relationship and also a yoga teacher and personal trainer. I am happy and blessed even though the path I took to get the things I wanted was not what I envisioned. While I may not have everything I thought I would have at this moment in time, whose to say I won’t receive it in the future?

There have been times where I’ve asked God to do something for me, but then I questioned the methods & time that he took to do it. My impatience with His process revealed my lack of faith and trust that He would get it done. I’ve done this often, and in reflection, I had to tell myself that what I was asking for couldn’t be achieved alone and as a result, I realized I needed to have several seats. I needed to buckle up and just enjoy the ride.

I think we fight the flow of our life because maybe it’s uncomfortable or maybe it doesn’t fit our expectations, or because we don’t like the feeling of not being in control, but maybe there’s a better way. Instead of working against what’s going on in our lives, maybe we work with it. Trying to walk in the same direction instead of the opposite direction so we don’t miss the opportunities that may be awaiting us. 

Ishvara Pranidhana – “The jewel of surrender” is a Niyama that focuses on surrendering in certain aspects of your life acknowledging that there is a higher power in control.

Keep reading for some journal prompts to work through this Niyama.

Shavasana or Corpse Pose is a pose of relaxation and stillness. It is an asana in which you surrender yourself to the present moment.


What was the outcome and how did you feel before , during and after letting go?


Why are you fighting this battle? Is it benefiting you? Is it adding or taking away from your wellness?


Compare your lists. Will it hurt you to surrender to a higher power?


It takes a lot of energy and focus to try to gain control over a situation you aren’t meant to have control over. Imagine if you stopped resisting, what could you do with that energy? How could you redirect your focus.

I have an A type personality. Feeling in control gives me comfort, but I realize that there are things in life that I cannot control. I don’t have to be in the driver’s seat to get to my destination. It’s okay to be a passenger, let God drive and allow myself to be present on the journey. The process of surrendering is not inactive or weak. It’s a manuever, like playing chess. Learning to go with the flow of our lives, leaves us with more energy to understand and appreciate the path we are on. 

How can you practice surrendering in your life? 

BODY ANALYSES: The “SMART” way to weigh yourself!

Traditional scales are a scam!

Ever since the 6th grade  I’ve been the type of person that weighs themself everyday. Literally everyday. I did/do that because it allows me to keep long term track of my weight and I don’t tend to gain more than 5 pounds because I’m so aware of how much I weigh. When I start gaining weight I know immediately and can make the necessary changes. I think we all have different types of relationships with the scale… whether I have a healthy one with it or not well that’s another topic for another blog.

But I’ve been traveling and in transition for the last four months and as a result I haven’t had access to a scale on a daily basis. I recently signed up with a new gym and they offered me two InBody Scale analyses for the FREE! So of course I hopped on that deal! 

Keep reading to see what I experienced and learned during my analysis.


So this is how my experience went.

Stepping on the Scale!

A trainer contacted me two days prior to my appointment and gave me basic instructions to track my food and drink lots of water. I went to the InBody website and they have a pre-appt informational video (which I’ve posted below). Some instructions they give are:

-Don’t drink for 45 mins prior to resting

-Don’t eat 2-3 hours prior

-Don’t workout atleast 3 hours prior 

-Stick to your normal eating routine the day before

When I arrived I got on a scale and held these little handles for about a minute. Then from there I filled out a questionnaire that really aimed to identify my existing fitness and nutrition habits, what my current goals are, and how do I prioritize my goals. I was then given my Body Composition Analysis and the trainer proceeded to break down the stats.


From the breakdown of my stats, this is what I learned.

-I have inflammation in my body and I need to drink more water.

-I don’t consume enough protein for my lean body mass (LBM). As a general rule we should be consuming 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass in order to maintain. When I tracked my food my average daily protein intake was 90 g, but LBM is 119. 

-My basal metabolic rate is 1550 calories which is the minimum number of calories my body needs to function at rest. So I need to consume that amount of calories to function at a basic level. Based off of my tracking of food for the few days prior to the meeting I wasn’t eating enough calories. Who would’ve thought I’m not eating enough?!!! 

-I haven’t really identified a specific goal. I think I’m really just trying to maintain. She gave me a website ( that helped me identify my maintenance and cutting calorie consumption and the corresponding macros.

-We talked about my workouts and how I should organize them. She stressed that it’s important to work primary muscles prior to synergistic/secondary muscles because if you work those first, you’re simultaneously working the primary, so when you finally go to work the primary muscles they’re already tired and your form be compromised leading to a greater risk of injury.



I really learned about my body. It was like a speed date introduction to my body. I didn’t have to make assumptions. It gave me exact insight on how to adjust my eating habits. My trainer was professional and informative. She knew what she was talking about and I came out of the session with a decent understanding of how I should move forward. I was given tools to help like a list of food options to eat to help meet my macros, a website to help identify and count macros, and the opportunity to sign up for personal training. 

It was a fairly quick process and I left it feeling encouraged which is not often how one feels after being weighed.


A traditional scale is pretty much useless. Why? Because it’s not an indicator of health. It gives you a number that doesn’t distinguish between fat, muscle, or water which is what our bodies are made up of. It literally just gives you a number with no background information. 

60 seconds on a high tech scale and 20 minutes with a professional gave me more information about my “weight” than the scale has given me in the past 20 + years.

So here’s some food for thought… or questions to ask yourself (because I asked myself these questions after my experience).


(1) What type of scale person are you? 

i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, not at all

(2) Does your method of weighing yourself assist you in your body composition goals?

If you haven’t tried the BCA you definitely should. There are a lot of gyms that offer this service, but maybe you don’t have a gym and you only do home workouts. They have started making at home affordable scales that measure more than just weight. 

I’ve dropped a link to an article that’s identified and rated the top 5 smart scales of 2021. 

Throw your scale away! It’s time to weigh ourselves the “SMART”  way!

PRT SEASON: Prepping for the Navy Physical Readiness Test

It’s officially PRT ( physical readiness test) season, and this time around it’s daunting for a few reasons! ONE: this is the first time that we’ll be doing the plank as a core exercise. TWO: they’ve introduced the rower as a new cardio option which could be a good or bad thing, that’s yet to be determined. THREE: we haven’t had a PRT in well over a year!!! Everything was put on hold when the pandemic hit, and here we are about to see who stayed ready and who has to get ready. I’m not even gone lie, I definitely have to get ready and I have less than a month to do it. 

The Navy’s Physical Readiness Test is comprised of cardio-respiratory  and muscular strength and endurance. Cardio options include an outdoor run, swimming, indoor run, bike, or treadmill.  Strength and endurance  are tested through push-ups, and planks.

It seems simple and from the outside looking in, it should be easy until you insert the test part! One, you’re physically being evaluated and two, we have certain times and scores to make that affect our careers. So you add that pressure and the fact that whoever created the score chart must have been a former college or professional athlete and yea something that should be easy can get real hard, real quick. 

So how am I approaching PRT season? Keep reading to find out!


You need to know what you’re training for.

The overall score categories are Outstanding, Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, and Failure. 

-Outstanding is the best score that you can get and it usually correlates to an award of a 72 or 96 hour special liberty if achieved. Outstanding is always my ideal goal because time off is obviously a motivator.

-Excellent the next best score is my minimum goal. An excellent score correlates to only having to take one physical readiness test per year and that’s definitely a motivator. 

I always keep my goals between the top two scores. A Good score means that you passed but there is no reward to it and it’s definitely not a stand out identifier to put in your record. The other two scores mean you are barely getting by or not at all and that’s how you end up on a hit list with a compromised career so I don’t even acknowledge those.


Push ups and planks are the same for everybody but with cardio we can choose which form works best. I choose my cardio based off which one I can  get the highest score on. I know that running is not my strong point, so for me it’s between the rower and the bike. To be successful in the cardio option you have to be able to go all out or max capacity for anywhere from 8-12 mins. It’s eazier for me to do that if I am using my full body, so I’m choosing the rower as my cardio option this year.  


Like I said earlier, you have to know what you’re training for. You need to know what times you need to get the overall score you want. Some resources for calculators  include the Navy PRT app or the Inch calculator. Both allow you to plug in numbers to see exactly what you need. 

See the links below:

Navy PRT Calculator – Calculate Your Physical Readiness Test Score – Inch Calculator


You’ve laid the ground work, now all that’s left is creating a plan that will help you get to your end goal. My current plan consists of 5 days of cardio where I bike and run or row and run. Twice a week I will wear a weighted vest to increase the intensity. 

I’ve created a plank program that focuses on strengthening specific muscles that are engaged in the plank, and I do push ups every other day increasing my number by 5 each week. 

This my 9th year going into PRT season. What I’ve found is that consistency, intensity, and a good playlists are the keys to success! Even if you aren’t in the Navy, doing the PRT is a great way to evaluate your current level of physical fitness! For those of you training!! Good Luck!!!


As part of my job I have to move every two to three years. While it’s exciting to be able to live in different places, one of the downsides is having to re-establish a home-base. Whenever I move I have to find a new place to live, places to grocery shop, get my hair and nails done, and oh let’s not forget finding a new gym! For me finding a fitness home is a High priority. It’s on the same list as finding an actual home, except obviously way further down the list. 

At the end of July I moved to Norfolk, Virginia and after being displaced for over a month with no steady place to workout, I had to find a gym and I had to find one fast!!! I ended up becoming a member of OneLife Fitness. 

Keep reading to see what qualities I used to choose my new Fitness Home.


The whole purpose is to EaZe along this continuous journey and be consistent. I can’t do that if just getting to the gym is going to be difficult. What I like about OneLife is that it has several locations around the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area, so no matter where I go I’m always within 15-20 mins of a gym. Their work hours are also conducive to my work hours. I need a gym that opens up early so that I can workout and still be at work by 6:50. Not only do they have gyms that open up at 0500 but they also have a few gyms that have a 24 hour option during the week. Now that’s what I call #winning !!!!

We already know it’s a struggle just to convince yourself  to go to the gym. So if that gym is too far from work or home, located in a complicated traffic pattern, or has unacceptable hours then it’s definitely going to be a NO for me. 


I’m trying to stay fit, but not at the expense of my health. We are still in a pandemic and ultimately going to a public gym is a risk, especially because gyms can get crowded. 

OneLife made me feel safe from the start. They have signs posted everywhere that stress that safety and public health are one of their main objectives. They promote mask wearing and following CDC and state guidelines. At every station and in between every station you can find towels and cleaning supplies to wipe the machines down, and out of all the times I’ve been to the gyms, there has never been an instance where there hasn’t been staff actively cleaning. 

Now you might think oh well that’s in every gym. That’s expected! It is expected! But it’s not in every gym. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been to a gym, and they’re out of paper towels or they don’t have wipes or spray to wipe down the equipment. 

To top it all off, the fitness chain has installed AIRPHX units in all of their facilities. AIRPHX units are machines that can reduce bacteria, viruses, and other dangerous toxins in the air and on surfaces in large facilities. 

If I don’t feel safe, I’m not going, so the safety features are definitely a big plus for me. 


It’s a pet peeve of mine when a gym lacks versatility for workouts. So for example, I’ve been to gyms that had a huge free weight area, a medium cardio section, and some machines, but no functional training area and no studio space. When I walk into a gym I want to feel like I’m in a theme park. I should be able to spend an hour their everyday for two weeks and not have to repeat the same workout. 

OneLife Fitness is definitely the six flags of fitness chains. I haven’t been to all of the locations yet, but of the ones that I’ve visited they all had multiple floors, cardio areas, weightlifting areas w/ free weights & machines, functional training sections, and studio spaces for cycling, fitness classes, yoga and Pilates. Some locations even had pools.


Everyone’s approach to fitness is unique, and if you’re like me, I rarely repeat the same workout twice. The options that OneLife Fitness provides for working out makes it feel like an inclusive gym that encourages all types of fitness. 


Amenities are like the WOW factor of fitness facilities. I always want to know, if I’m paying for something monthly, what else do you have to offer me that makes it worth paying for on a continuous basis. OneLife definitely understands this concept. They have several WOW factors. 

#1. Free services-If a gym doesn’t give you free services, then they’re trash, periodt. There should always be some sort of incentive to show members why they should be at that specific gym. Prior to signing up OneLife Fitness offers a free visit to check out the gym. It’s similar to buying a car, you should absolutely be able to test drive a gym prior to buying into it, so this definitely drew me in. They also offer two free personal training sessions and body analyses for new members. This is key because you get to really assess the professional level of their staff and get a starting basis for where you are in your journey without pulling out any coins!!!

#2.Inclusivity- Earlier I referenced how they take into consideration different fitness styles. Well they  also thought outside of the box and considered  the differences in their members and the certain needs/preferences they may have. For example, certain locations have women’s only gyms. Personally I can workout anywhere in the gym, but I know that it can be intimidating going into a male dominant area, so I think having this option absolutely tailors to the need of the population that would like a more private workout. They have a kids center for parents who need to workout but don’t have child care. Additionally they have cinema cardio rooms!!! Like WHAT IS THAT??? You can literally get your cardio on and simultaneously watch a movie! Cardio is Hardio. Having a distraction like cinema is definitely something I appreciate.

Cardio Cinema!!!!!


While a gym is a place for people to sustain fitness, it’s also a business, and over the years I’ve noticed the trend of “luxury gyms” with “luxury prices.” 

But I’ve never felt like the amenities they touted were actually worth paying over $100 a month. That’s literally highway robbery! On the other hand, you have your $10 gyms that have weird rules and no amenities. It’s like two extremes, but OneLife Fitness is definitely a balance of the two. The two monthly membership prices were 29.99 and 39.99 and they didn’t have a ridiculous sign up fee. I honestly think you’re getting way more bang for your buck with this gym!

Choosing a gym is like getting started in a relationship. This is a fitnesship!! It’s a committment and it needs to be a match! My gym and I should be equally yoked!

If you’re looking for a new gym, hopefully evaluating these qualities will help you make a decision and if you have OneLife Fitness in your area, go check it out!! Tell them I sent you! 😉


I’m turning 35 in a few days and don’t get me wrong… I am ecstatic about it, but also a little wary. Why? Well because I can’t predict exactly how aging will affect my body or my health.

This summer I decided to recommit myself to running. I hate running, but when I was in middle school and high school I could run a 7 minute mile. Now… not so much. On a good day I’m running it in 9:15, but if the distance increases…. my mind literally just shuts my body down. Now I know this isn’t solely because of age and more likely due to my inconsistency with my running habit and my negative mind set towards it, but when I was inconsistent and young, it didn’t matter. I could still run a fast mile regardless of how long it had been since I practiced. As I age, I realize that I have to adjust my habits in order to maintain a certain level of fitness.

Keep reading to see the steps I’m taking to age gracefully into fitness!


Self Care is such a hot social media term these days, but that’s because it holds value. Self Care results in Self Preservation which really is the Goal! In taking care of our bodies and minds we can effectively prolong or even overcome certain unwanted affects that getting older can have. Strictly speaking about fitness, age can be detrimental because our bodies are inching towards the end of their life cycle. Muscles lose mass, strength and elasticity. Bones become brittle and cellular healing capacity declines.

Self Care looks different to everyone but these are my go tos for fitness and self care:

-Flexibility and Mobility Training

-Percussion and Massage Therapy

-The use of props/appropriate safety personal protective equipment when working out (i.e. – wearing good running shoes, using blocks and straps in yoga, wearing waist and knee braces if I’m lifting heavy).

-Knowing WHEN and HOW to rest my body


I’m not saying that you shouldn’t push or challenge yourself. You absolutely should! Yet there is a fine line between pushing yourself and injury. If we know our body’s ability to heal isn’t 100 percent, why would we intentionally put it in a position where it has to?

By knowing my limits I am effectively listening to my body. Understanding that running a 7 minute mile isn’t impossible, but it might take me some months or years to get my cardio back to that level. While it might hurt my ego, I have to admit that physically I am not where I used to be AND physically it might take me longer to get back to where I once was. It’s about being honest with yourself and then moving forward accordingly.


Continue to set goals, even though they may have changed. Goal setting is a motivation and accountability tool. We evolve as we age, so it makes sense that our goals will change. It’s still important to set them so that we can visualize and form a path towards what it is we are trying to achieve.

My fitness goals for this year are to improve my cardiovascular health. I want to be able to make running a daily habit. I also want to continue to grow in my yoga practice and improve my flexibility.


Like I said earlier, running would probably be easier for me if I had stayed consistent with it. Why is consistency key? It’s key because achieving a fitness goal doesn’t magically happen overnight. It takes hard work and dedication over a long period of time. If you’re always starting and stopping, it takes longer to get to where you want to go and every time you stop it becomes that much harder to start.

I don’t know about y’all, but I’m all about finding an eazier solution for the same outcome. So yea…. Consistency!!!


Appreciate where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going. This is all about offering yourself grace and understanding for where you are in your journey.

I honestly got mad when I realized I wasn’t running as fast or as long as I used to. Like legit mad, but then I paused. I thought to myself… ‘ you formed a healthy habit of running at the age of 11 and 24 years later you can still do that activity, just at a different level.’ Then I thought… ‘imagine what you can do in another 24 years if you’re consistent and intentional with the goal you want to achieve?!’

Taking a moment to give myself grace gave me the time to process the situation in a completely different way. A way that encourages and motivates me to do what I have to do.

A part of me is afraid of getting old. Afraid that I will lose the abilities that I have now. While that might be true, I realize that how I age isn’t something that’s completely out of my control and that I have the power to age with grace. I do not have to be bounded by fear.

I hope these tips are helpful to you all! Let me know what you’re doing to age gracefully into fitness!


Nutrition and fitness are like best friends that don’t get along aka frenemies!!! The two go hand in hand but how many of us struggle with being successful in the gym and the kitchen at the same time?

I know I do!!

What I find most frustrating about leading a healthy lifestyle is the imbalance between the effect that nutrition and fitness have on the body. If I could just choose one to focus on, I would choose fitness. Unfortunately, you really can’t have one without the other and on top of that nutrition holds more influence on weight maintenance.

It feels like my mind and body are never on the same page. I can go hard in the gym but then go home and eat junk OR I can eat clean as a whistle but can’t convince myself to go to the gym. I’ll run a good two miles, do some strength training, be feeling myself, and literally my next thought is… “You deserve some fries!” Like why must I be this way???? LOL. I just want to be healthy AND eat pizza, French fries, and fruit snacks! I basically want to have my cake and eat it too!

That’s honestly why I want to learn more about nutrition. I know I struggle with balance in my diet, but I figure the more knowledge I have and the more research I do, the eazier it will be to form a balanced nutrition plan that I can actually stick with and enjoy!

Keep reading to see the approaches I recommend and use when trying to find an ideal diet.


Find someone who knows more about nutrition than you do! If you’ve been struggling and you haven’t asked for help, it’s time. There is nothing wrong with getting advice from a professional.

I stumbled upon a Nutrition Coach when I signed up for a meal delivery service. I’m learning that I don’t know what I don’t know and instead of hoping that I’ll figure it out eventually, I’m going to ask!


Eating is just as mental as exercise. Working out requires intentionality and intensity and so does eating healthy.

I’ve found it’s a lot easier to stay on track if I set an intention for my nutrition goals and then hype myself up with each meal. What do I mean by “hype myself up?” Take the same phrases you tell yourself at the gym and insert a food/nutrition word. For example: GYM PHRASE – ” You did good sis, that workout was fire!!” FOOD VERSION – “You did good sis, that meal was fire!!” It might sound or feel silly, but it’s really just a way to give yourself positive feedback and make you want to do it again.


Some “healthy” food just tastes nasty. It’s literally a fact. It’s like someone made a rule that if it’s super healthy, it has to be bland and disgusting. Fortunately as the market and demand for healthy snacks and meals continues to grow, the recipes and ingredients are improving.

I like going to Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods to try the new new snacks and products on the market. I also get cooking ideas from content creators on Instagram and Pinterest.


The key is finding what works for you! What is the ratio that keeps you happy but doesn’t hinder your healthy lifestyle goals?

I think mine is probably 70:30. I’m definitely not an 80:20 person. I can consistently eat clean Monday through Friday afternoon, but Friday evening through Sunday afternoon I want to eat what I want to eat. The key is not to do it in excess.

If you’re a foodie like I am, the struggle is real trying to balance a healthy diet, your love for food and your dedication to fitness. Trust me, I get it!!!! I’ve said this often and I will say it again. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If you can come up with a plan to help you stay on track it will be that much eazier! If you have any tips or tricks you use, drop them in the comments! Also, if you try my approaches, let me know what you think and stay tuned for my journey with a Nutrition Coach!!



Name a gym that’s always open and always free… It’s called outside! Gyms are great because they have equipment that can enhance workouts, some provide luxury spas and access to personal trainers, and overall they’re a great place to connect with people who have similar goals.

With that being said, when gyms shut down this past year it made me realize two things. ONE: I was over dependent on having access to a gym and TWO: I under appreciated the benefits of working out outside. Once I realized that I was taking having access to a “free gym” for granted, I became committed to including outside workouts into my routine. Keep reading to see my top 5 reasons for embracing outdoor fitness!


We all know how expensive a gym membership can be. Add on extra items like classes or studio passes and you can end up spending anywhere from $40-150 a month! I’m not saying it’s not worth it, but if you’re budgeting and looking to cut costs just remember an outdoor workout has no fees!


I know the gym is a place for all, but I would be lying if I said I like to share my space with others when I’m working out. I can’t stand a crowded gym, especially now that social distancing is so important. An outdoor workout eliminates that problem. There is no limit on space. You find a space and it’s yours!


Have you ever wondered why a treadmill minute is so long? Or why they have to add TV’s to cardio equipment? It’s because it’s boring!! If you’re a visual person like me, you need something to look at to keep your mind occupied while doling dreadful cardio. Scenery provides that visual. Whether it’s trees, a beach, or city streets there’s nothing like the beauty of nature to keep you focused during your routine.


Okay, so I realize the gym will always be more beneficial when it comes to access to fitness equipment, BUT when you’re outdoors it forces you get creative. Using stairs and benches for strength training, turning trails and sidewalks into your treadmill. Just remember creativity = fun and fun = a more enjoyable workout.


We can all find reasons to not workout. “There isn’t enough time”, “I don’t feel like driving through traffic”, “The gym isn’t open during the hours I have available to workout.” When your gym is right outside your door, there are no excuses! You have no other choice but to get it done!

Take advantage of your surroundings! It’s summertime and after being cooped up the last year, we have no excuse not to get outside and get moving! Join me in appreciating outdoor fitness! I will be posting an outdoor jump rope workout on my Youtube and a beach body weight workout on my Pinterest page this week!


In 2009 the term Staycation was added to the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary. A combination of the words stay and vacation, they defined it as “a vacation spent at home or nearby.” With travel coming to a halt during the pandemic, staycations were a saving grace for travelers across the world, including myself. I was used to taking a trip whether small or large at least once every three to four months. Unable to board a plane, and stationed in a country 7,000 miles away from my family I began to feel stuck and claustrophobic. So I started to experiment with staycationing. A little over a year later, I now consider myself to be an avid staycationer and I’ve found that there’s definitely a technique to having a successful holistay! Keep reading to see my approach to a successful staycation!


We all have our own reasons for needing or wanting to take a trip. Knowing what that reason is prior to traveling gives us the opportunity to tailor our experience to our specific needs. Ask yourself why would going on a staycation be beneficial and what is your intention?

I decided to go on my last staycation because I needed a gratitude refresher. I was getting bored and overwhelmed with my daily routine and things that would normally bring me joy were no longer having the same effect. Taking a staycation allowed me to push the pause button on my day-to-day, recharge my battery and come back refreshed able to once again appreciate the small things.


The “stay” in Staycation does not mean you have to stay at home, but you also don’t have to leave home. There is flexibility in the term. The idea is to find a location that offers you vibes, convenience, scenery, food selection, access to activities or whatever it is that you deem important during your time off.

For this particular trip I only had two days to unplug and relax, so I focused on finding a place with upscale lodging that didn’t require extensive travel time. I chose the Wyndham Grand because it was a 10 min Uber ride from my flat, and the luxurious rooms offered a view that could set and maintain the vibe I was looking for.


Once you arrive at your destination, the first thing you should do is revisit your reason for taking this staycation. Write down your intentions, take a few minutes to mediate and feel/establish the energy of a different space. After that in the words of Nike “JUST DO IT. ” Whatever it is that you came to do, do that and do it unhindered.

My “JUST DO IT” moment began with putting on my robe! Robes in hotels symbolize relaxation, so I walked into the room, put my robe on and I was immediately in an unplug mindset. I spent the rest of the weekend reading, resting, and eating!


So, I think by now you can see the trend of checking in with your intentions. It might seem repetitive, but if you go on a trip for a reason and the trip ends without getting what you needed, then what was the point? When you stay true to your why, then you’re able to accomplish the goal you initially set out to complete, meaning the trip was worthwhile. That is the last step, asking yourself if you feel fulfilled.

Although things are starting to open back up and vacations no longer have to be on hold, I believe staycations are here to stay! Vacations are a form of self-care and so are staycations. Not to mention they require less funds, less time, and less travel. If you have a staycay coming up, try my approach and let me know how it goes!


BLUF: Energy is the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. It is never created nor destroyed, but merely transformed from one type to another. So why is it, the older I get, the less energy i feel I have?

Between workdays and workouts, a boost of energy is essential to my quality of life. Unfortunately, overdosing on caffeine isn’t the healthiest option. 

•Some years back, one of my best friends @steph.beauchamp introduced me to a product called Spark. We were in college, attending classes during the week, working and partying on the weekends, and we had just decided to take our workouts up a notch. I was feeling low on energy so Steph fixed me an ice cold glass of Mango Spark. Within 20 minutes I had forgotten that i was feeling tired in the first place. It’s not that feeling you get when you take preworkout. You don’t itch, your heart doesn’t race, you simply feel boosted as though you just woke up from 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Now i like to take mine midday right before i begin to feel exhaustion kick in.

•I’ve listed a few of the ingredients below and highlighted some of their benefits.

Vitamin A, C, E Thiamine-enables the body to use carbohydrates as energy. Riboflavin – helps break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Plays a vital role in maintaining the body’s energy supply. Vitamins B6, B12, pantothenic acid (B5), – B vitamins have a direct impact on energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism. Caffeine – 120 mg ( a little more than 1 cup ofCoffee). Inositol

•Honestly, I think the key to increasing energy is changing your diet. Nutrition is everything, but it’s an uphill battle and in the meantime a healthy supplement is what I’ve chosen to help me get through. @Advocare’s Spark product has been my go to for years now. My favorite flavors are grape and fruit punch. 
Spark is largely sold through advocare distributors. I’ll leave my link at the bottom of the blog. But if you’re looking for an easier way to obtain it’s sold on Amazon!! 

Everyone could use a little Spark! 😏 WWW.ADVOCARE.COM


When is the last time you did something for the first time?
2019 has been a year of firsts for me. I started my first business, i moved overseas for the first time, and most recently I decided to take a trip by myself. 
Traveling has always been a way for me to find solace and peace. My everyday life is busy and stressful, so in order to stay grounded and balanced, i like to take a trip every couple of months. Taking a pause from my day to day, to experience something new allows me to recenter, return to the present, and remember all that I have to be grateful for.

•In August, I moved from Washington D.C. to Manama, Bahrain right after completing a 2 year residency. So by the time November rolled around, to say I was burnt out would be an understatement. I knew i needed a vacation, but I didn’t have anyone to go with. As a single, black female in the Middle East, traveling by yourself is obviously not the most ideal situation, but like I said, i was mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. I had to make a choice between my fear or my wellness…… So I ended up in Muscat, Oman. 🤷🏾‍♀️

•Oman is a high income middle eastern country found between the UAE and Yemen. It is unique in that its terrain includes , mountains, deserts and beaches, and it’s borders merge into the Arabian Sea. So, basically it’s majestic. Stepping off the plane into Muscat (the Capital and largest city) was both literally and figuratively like taking a breath of fresh air. 
A lot of times during my trips I focus on fitness, and while i did workout on this trip, it took a backseat to my mental and emotional wellness. 
My solo vacation was exactly what i needed . Here’s what I learned.

EZ solo vacay takeaways.
Set an intention. A solo trip is almost like a meditative experience. You don’t have any distractions so you really have the time and ability to breath and focus. When you set an intention for your trip, you provide a framework for whatever it is you want to accomplish during your time off. My intention was overcoming fear.
Talk to yourself. The first day, I literally did not speak a word. I said nothing to no one. At first i was extremely disturbed by it, but then i realized i had been having conversations the entire day, the conversation was just with myself. That may seem weird, but when you think about it, if you’re everyday life is consumed by interactions and conversations with other people, when do you have time to communicate with yourself?
Explore. I could have done more of this, and will probably have to go back to truly see what Muscat has to offer, but… I did go hiking in the mountains next to my hotel. I didn’t want to go too far since i was alone, but i had so much fun! Climbing, sightseeing, watching the sunset from the rocks. It was exhilarating. I created a moment that i will always remember. Exploring helps you to make memories of your trip.
Indulge. Eat good, sleep good, and get a massage! Spend a little money on yourself, because you deserve it. If you don’t spoil yourself, who will?

•Vacationing solo is about self-love and self-care. Push the fears and stigmas to the side, book a ticket and hop on a plane, train, or bus to your self retreat!


BLUF: The onesie is ideal for the minimalistic fitness enthusiast! You can attain comfort, fashion, and functionality in one item of clothing.

•I want to start off by saying I am not a minimalist. In fact, I’m the furthest thing from it, but it’s really because I don’t know how to be one. So what does minimalism have to do with an active wear bodysuit … well the Onesie is the optimal minimalistic gym and athleisure ensemble.

On a hot day this summer, I had plans to go to the navy yard to do some sight seeing, fit in a quick yoga flow, and attend a good bye brunch. I needed something that would allow me to move athletically but that could also serve as a leisurely day outfit.

A couple of weeks prior, i stepped outside of my comfort zone and decided to purchase the @freepeople side-to-side performance onsie. It had just been sitting in my closet for all the obvious reasons. I mean babies wear onesies, not adults… and it was one small piece of clothing that i wasn’t going to be able to wear underwear with! I just knew it was going to stick to every curve i had. What if it wasn’t flattering?

At the end of the day, i had already spent the money, so i decided to give it a try. I paired it with an @freepeople elevate tunic … AND…. i freaking loved it! 💛💛💛

EZ Pros:

Functional. Everyone hates when you’re in the middle of a workout and your leggings start to bunch up or even worse slide down. This onsie stays put! The moderate compression keeps it from sliding or slipping. I was able to complete a power vinyasa class with ease.

Comfortable. The material is soft and light. Feels like you just put on a second layer of skin. 

Simple. I like to match when i go to the gym. With the onsie the only thing i had to match was my onsie to my sneakers.

Cost Effective. Eliminates the need for sports bra, panties, and a top. It’s 1 item instead of 4.

Multipurpose. Can be used as a layering item underneath skirts, dresses, sweats, scrubs,etc.

Fashionable. This onsie is sexy. The lines accentuate all curves, the open back gives a peak of skin while still keeping it classy, and the crop gives those calves a pop!😂

EZ Cons:
Bathrooms. When you have to pee, the whole thing has to come down.

Form Fitting. The entire piece is fitted. While it’s comfortable, that may not be the look you’re going for, but you can offset it by throwing anything over it! Literally anything.

The color. As soon as i started sweating you could see it. But they have a 10 different colors.

EZ Final impression. This onsie is the athletic bodycon. I think it’s every woman’s dream to be sexy and comfortable simultaneously. On top of that it’s a minimalistic, cost effective, functional piece of clothing. It’s an investment is what it is. Personally, i plan on investing in a couple of more colors!


BLUF: INFIT360 isn’t just a workout. It’s a MOOD, it’s a VIBE, it’s an INCLUSIVE innovative lifestyle for the modern woman.

THE MISSION. Infit = inclusive fitness. While everyone deserves the opportunity to become part of a fitness group that encourages wellness and self-care, that opportunity is not always accessible due to cost, target audience, etc. INFIT360 is committed to creating access where it doesn’t exist.

EZ EXPERIENCE. An optimal group fitness class is all about the atmosphere and the vibe. When i attended my first INFIT360 class, I didn’t feel like I was in a gym or a studio. I felt like I was in a fitness lounge. Between the lights, the candles and the combination of ratchet, neo-soul, and pop music i was able to push through the intensity of the workout. I left sweating, but it was like that good sweat you have after you’ve gone to the club and danced your life away. The INFIT360 workout left me in a sexy powerful mood and the next day I was sore in all the right places. It is definitely my go to workout for sculpting and defining my curves.

THE STUDIO. Classes are held in NE Washington, D.C. at fitnessnobstudio which is like an airbnb for fitness classes. When you walk in the building it has a very clean minimalistic aura. There are modern lockers, bathrooms, and showers just in case you need to transition from fitness to leisure or business.

The actual room where classes take place is large size with beautiful hardwood floors, surrounded by floor to ceiling mirrors on one half and large windows on the other. It’s a studio, but it has lounge vibes. The room is slightly heated at about 78 degrees, the lights are kept on low w/ a sexy pink hue, and @infit360 balances it off with beautiful candles in the front just to make sure the mood is right.

THE WORKOUT. INFIT360 offers an intense 45-50 minute no impact full body workout. There are 15 movements, each movement is performed for 90 seconds. 1min 30 seconds sounds like a short period of time, but when you add a heated room and 3 pound weights, that’s where the intensity kicks in. Starting in a standing position then working your way down to the mat you will perform compound movements that increase in complexity as you move through the workout. An example would be starting in downward dog, transitioning into three legged dog, shifting into a plank and then into a glute raise. The movements are cardio, yoga, and kick-boxing inspired, with each movement being a prep to the next. You do the same sequence for 4-7 days and then the sequence will change as you condition your body and evolve into a stronger and better version of yourself.

EQUIPMENT & ATTIRE. Yoga mats and 3 pound ankle and wrist weights will be provided. You will need a water bottle, minimalistic clothing that you can easily move and flow in, and a towel because you will SWEAT! 💦💦💦

THE OWNER. Austin Hicks is the beautiful owner, creator, and principal instructor of Infit 360. I met Austin through a mutual friend who is also heavily involved in the fitness industry. I knew she was dope because she had a captivating spirit and aura. So when I found out she was launching a fitness studio, I made it my mission to check her out and see what kind of vibes she was introducing into the world of fitness. And of course she did not disappoint! Keep reading to learn more about Austin’s fitness insight.

What inspired you to create Infit360? “Professionally, I’ve worked in a service driven industry and I come from a service driven family. I’ve always been into fitness, so I decided to get certified. I want people to be able to meet on the mat, be exposed to not only a fitness workout but also a fitness mentorship.

Who is your target audience? “I’m targeting professional women who are or who want to be socially and healthy conscious.”

Why did you choose the name InFit? “Well it’s a play on words, instead of in shape I chose in fit because it also represents inclusive fitness.”

I’ve noticed that blush colors dominate your fitness wardrobe, why is that? “I think blush tones embody the mood of InFit. When I think of nudes, I think of the female body and how they accentuate and compliment our physiques.”

EZ TAKEAWAY: My definition of an INFIT woman, is a woman whose physique matches her spirit, her aura, and her vibes. When I think about the female physique, I think about strength and power wrapped up into this curvy silhouette of femininity. Austin is a building a tribe of INFIT women and I certainly plan on being one of them. Are you trying to join me? If the answer is yes, head over to and follow on IG @infit360.

French Riviera Flow

BLUF: It’s hard to stay motivated to workout while traveling, don’t let limited access to gym facilities stop your routine. The world 🌎 is your gym!

•I always find it hard to keep up my workout routine while traveling, especially international travel. Between the long flights, the adventure packed days, and the lack of access to gym facilities my motivation tends to wane during my trips. The thing is, it doesn’t make sense to workout super hard to look good for the trip, then get to your destination and waste all your hard work.

“So the question is how do you stay motivated while traveling? “
– I get my inspiration from my surroundings.

Grenoble France
Jamaica vs. Brazil

THE TRIP: This past June I traveled with friends to the South of France to see @chinyeluasher play for Jamaica’s women’s national football team in FIFA’s Women’s World Cup. Through a combination of planes and trains we made our way from Paris to Grenoble, Nice and Reims watching these beautifully strong, freakishly talented women play soccer.
The first match was in a stadium in the mountains of Grenoble. I’ve never been to a professional soccer match before, so sitting in this beautiful stadium surrounded by the French Alpines, watching these girls display crazy skill, endurance and speed, had me beyond motivated to get up and workout, but I didn’t have access to a gym. At least that’s what i thought until i laid my eyes on the Promenade des Anglais 😍!

THE GYM: In between the Grenoble and Reims matches, we took a 3 day diversion to Nice. The Promenade des Anglais is a 7 km walkway sandwiched between southern France shops, bars, and restaurants, and the Mediterranean Sea. It’s prime real estate for running, swimming, volleyball and really any other other activity that only requires open space and award winning views.

THE WORKOUT: The promenade immediately gave me track vibes. With 7km of well paved sidewalk surrounded by rails, benches, and stairs we were able to put together a HIIT circuit. 
-Warm up- Stair climbs 5 mins

-100 m sprints, on the way back to the starting line lateral squat jumps, high knee taps using the rails, and elevated bench pushups. 30 second rest repeat 5x
Jump rope & elevated plank holds (30 sec) 3x

-Cool down- stretching on the rocky beach. (The rocks weren’t really conducive to stretching but the view was 🤷🏾‍♀️)

•EZ TAKEAWAY: The French Riviera did not disappoint as far as unique ways to get a workout in. In addition to working out on the promenade, we walked it’s full span experiencing restaurants and clubs along the way. Castle Hill is an old military citadel just off the promenade. We climbed it’s 92 meters of stairs which led us to the best panorama views Nice had to offer, and since we were feeling daring we traversed the rocky beach to enjoy the refreshingly icy waves of the Mediterranean Sea. There were also several courts hosting spontaneous volleyball matches along the beach. The fact of the matter is that I was limiting myself by being stuck inside the box of needing a facility to workout in. The gym doesn’t have to be an actual “gym”. Wherever you are can be your gym. Step outside your comfort zone and be limitless on vacation!

rise &SHINE

BLUF: Self Care is the Best Care. It’s no longer minority mental health month, but mental health should still be at the top of Your priority list! The SHINE app offers insightful, motivational, and relaxing meditations that give you the extra Shine you need to push through your day.

•I am no stranger to stress or anxiety. The way my life is set up these days if there’s no stress it’s abnormal, but the introduction of anxiety was a new thing for me. I’m a goal driven person, so i was zoned in on a certain goal, which I reached (🙌🏾), but as soon as I reached it, it was like all the stress i had been ducking just hit me right in the chest, in the form of ANXIETY!
At first i thought i could just deal with the anxiety by not dealing with it. The alternative would’ve been to seek help, but for some reason there is such a stigma about going to therapy that I just didn’t even consider it. So i didn’t address it, and guess what? My symptoms got worse, smh. I couldn’t ignore my mental health because it started to effect my physical health and i thought maybe i should just work on my spiritual health, but my mental wasn’t allowing me to focus on that either.
So I started looking for a therapist which ended up in frustration and almost halted my entire process. I felt like I needed someone immediately, but it takes time to find the right person to help you through whatever it is your going through. Then, when I thought I found the one that i liked, their hours didn’t match my schedule. THEN, on top of all of that, i realized seeing a therapist would have to be incorporated into my budget financially, because it is EXPENSIVE (it’s crazy how something so vital to life can cost so much).
As you can see, it was a struggle. I started to realize and understand why so many people get deterred from seeking help and decide to just neglect their mental wellness. Even though i was discouraged, i knew that neglect was not a solution nor was it an option, and that’s when i stumbled upon the Shine app.
I’ve been using the Shine app for about three months now. For me it’s like going to the gym, to workout my mind. The shine app is an award winning Self Care program developed to offer support and guidance in mental and emotional wellness. It is extensive with its options and avenues for self-care but simple to navigate. Keep reading to get a quick synopsis of some of its categories with links to some of my favorite topics!

Daily Shine

•Daily Shine: I love these daily shines because they’re like self care snap shot news briefs. It’s always an intriguing relatable topic, but they also find ways to incorporate what’s going on around the world which makes it easier to connect with what they’re saying.
Fulfilled Like Lizzo was my very first shine! 
It hooked me because I’m an emotional person and it talked about being kind to myself through tough emotions. It showed me that I should embrace my emotions and be honest about them at the exact time that i was in a period of emotional avoidance. Sometimes the daily shines come through with a message that seems like it’s perfectly tailored for you!

Articles: There will definitely be times where you can’t actually put headphones on but you would like to spend some time on self-care. Shine offers articles that you can read, if listening isn’t your thing or isn’t an option.
A great article that they shared is the 5X5 rule. This article gave me a way to worry constructively.

Daily Rituals

Daily Rituals: Being mindful doesn’t have to be limited to sitting on a meditation cushion in a quiet room. The Daily rituals offers guided meditations that can be incorporated with your daily routines.
My personal favorite is “Waiting”. I have the tendency to be on my cell phone more often than not, especially if I’m waiting for something or someone. The “Waiting” daily ritual helps me to put the phone down and focus on intention and purpose in static periods.

•These are just a few examples of the topics and ways that shine can help with Self Care. They also have guided meditations that incorporate breathing practices, self-care challenges to keep your wellness routine spicy, and they offer advice chat rooms where you can correspond with someone and log your feelings.

•EZ Takeaway: Taking care of your self is like using a three component balancing scale ⚖️. You’re the beam and each of the three pans is occupied by either the mind, the body, or the spirit. We all know that if one becomes heavier or lighter than the other, the scales will fall and the beam will no longer be balanced.
It’s very easy to solely focus on the body, and neglect your mental and spiritual health. Yet, each entity is just as important as the other. I think everyone has heard the phrase “Never skip leg day”, well let’s edit that phrase and say “Never skip a Mental Health day”.
The key to overall well-being is finding balance. I’ve found that @Shine app offers an easily accessible way to take time out for self care. It is something that can be done alone, but it can also be used for group meditation and initiating meaningful dialogue. It doesn’t require a bunch of money to be spent, it doesn’t even require face to face interaction. All you need is a little bit of time and a cellphone.
I can sincerely say that @Shine has helped me to be more proactive when it comes to my mental wellness. Don’t take my word for it, just give it a try. SHOW UP and SHOW OUT for yourself, because YOU deserve it!


BLUF: EVERY FIGHTER HAS A THEME SONG. BOOM BOX boxing club provides music driven boxing structured workouts that will have you in the BEST shape of your life!

EZ EXPERIENCE: In college and even after, the thing that excited me the most about going to the club was the DJ. If I knew the DJ was going to be fire, I would be in that club all night because ultimately music can make or break your experience.

Going to a workout @boombox_boxing club is like going to the club, but for fitness! I think we can all agree that finding the motivation to workout is difficult, but if you know you’re about to do an intense workout, listening to your favorite songs while doing it makes it that much easier.

@boombox_boxing the coaches are your DJs. They carefully construct playlists filled with beats that will take your mind off the fact that you’re working out, and just help you focus on having fun while you improve your technique and elevate your fitness. Each punch, each step, each defensive move flows with the tunes.

THE WORKOUT: Each class is 50 minutes where you are either BEAT boxing or BOOM boxing. One focuses on boxing to the beat, the other (while still music infused) is more focused on time and interval, giving you the freedom to move at your own pace. This is a full body workout! Every move requires the use of your legs, core, and upper body. In addition to the boxing, they incorporate active rests (which could be anything from pulsing squats, to tuck jumps, or burpees), and each workout has a section dedicated to strength and conditioning and core work. On average (if you put in the work) you will burn anywhere from 600-800 calories.

THE COACHES: One thing I absolutely abhor is getting trained by inexperienced personnel. If you can’t do it, you can’t teach me! You WILL NOT feel this way @boombox_boxing club. Their coaching team is diverse in gender, ethnicity, and personality! I mean can I just highlight the fact that they are stacked with women who box!! Like really box!! YASSS!! That is what you will find at Boom Box. The entire coaching staff has been subjected to months of rigorous professional boxing training from instructors spanning from L.A. to D.C. Their training is dynamic, consistent, and perpetual which means @boombox_boxing you will always receive THE best training!

THE STUDIO: Of all the contemporary D.C. boxing studios, this is the only one that has an actual boxing ring! The club is boutique and upscale, but it also has an authentic flare provided by the boxing ring, the garage door entrance, and the graffiti wall. When you walk into the studio it tells you two things: 1. You’re there to box and 2. You’re going to have fun while doing it!

EQUIPMENT & ATTIRE: Water bottle, gloves and wraps if you have your own (but they also provide these items), energy, and change of clothes. No, but really, you WILL sweat! No one leaves these classes dry, NO ONE!

Co-Founders Reggie “Jefe” Smith and Angela “aj_boomin” Jennings

THE FINALE: Listen, I am NOT a boxer! I repeat, I am not a boxer! I am goofy, I have two left feet, my legs move like giraffes, and my wrists prefer to stay bent, which is not conducive to punching anything! Lol. Yet, none of that mattered once I started working out @boombox_boxing club. The only thing that mattered is that I wanted to get better, and Boom Box provided the place, the workout, and the coaches who had the know how to help me do just that!

I try to be consistent with my fitness, but I can honestly say that once I started doing Boom Box workouts it took my fitness to another level. Every time I get in front of a bag, I leave my heart and soul (in the form of sweat) in the studio. When i walk out, I walk out knowing I’m just a jab, cross, hook, and uppercut away from being that much closer to my fitness goals! THIS is the workout you are missing and the workout you don’t want to miss!

Reggie Smith and Angela Jennings are the co-founders of @boombox_boxing club. They are both young entrepreneurs who fell in love with boxing and since then have dedicated their time and resources to bringing this elite fitness experience to the Washington D.C. area. @boombox_boxing club is OPEN for business! Check out their website and follow their instagram page to stay up to date with the latest info, and download the app to reserve YOUR bag! You won’t be disappointed!Tell them I sent you!😉🥊

Nike Tech Hip Pack

BLUF: The Nike Tech Hip Pack is an over-sized fanny pack with a unique and functional design that makes it suitable for a variety of activities.

I recently took a girls trip to Sedona, AZ, which included a hike on the beautiful Devil’s Bridge trail. I’ve been hiking a few times before, but I always struggle with bringing the right gear. For every hike there are essential items that must be packed, so choosing the right bag was vital! For this trip i decided to try out Nike’s Tech Hip Pack.

FEATURES: Lightweight with adjustable straps and zippered compartments in a tech design.

PROS: Optimal Size – shaped like a fanny pack but the size of an extra small back pack. Well designed – There are several ideally located pockets which allows for organized packing of all your essentials. Durable Material– 100% polyester, water repellent, easily cleaned. Nike recommends spot cleaning, but after my hike I threw mine in the washer machine and it came out looking brand new.

CONS: The hip pack is small in size, but due to its unique design it can fit quite a bit of items. It’s easy to over pack this bag, and once that occurs it’s no longer comfortable to wear around the waist, but can still be comfortably worn across the shoulder or chest.

EZ Impression: Nike’s Tech Hip Pack ended up being the perfect accessory for my hike. I was able to bring a large sized water bottle, my cell phone, wallet, sunscreen, sweat towel, journal, pen, and camera tripod with more room to spare! This small sized bag is also ideal for travelling and everyday use as a gym or work pack. It comes in 7 different colors and is well priced at $40 USD. If you’re looking for a new bag, I highly recommend this one. It is comfortable, functional, and fashionable!


BLUF: Stress is real. GT’s has created a tea that may have the ability to help the body adapt to the effects of stress.

●The first time I drank GT’s ALIVE, I was 7 days out from my menstrual cycle. Now I know every woman’s symptoms are not the same, but I think we can agree that that specific time period usually consists of heightened emotions and an overall feeling of what can only be described as “BLAH.” Well that is exactly how I was feeling. Nothing was wrong, but I was stressed and moody, so I decided to try the tea to see if it could give me the pick me up I needed to get through the rest of the day without having a cloud hanging over my head.

WHAT IS ALIVE? A sparkling, refreshing, lightly caffeinated tea beverage with natural ingredients that offer probiotic and stress reduction properties.

WHAT IS AN ADAPTOGEN? A natural non-toxic substance that increases the body’s resistance to stress through a non-specific effect. ALIVE uses medicinal mushrooms with adaptogenic properties to enhance the tea.

INGREDIENTS. Loose leaf teas, medicinal mushrooms (reishi, chaga, and turkey tail), raw apple cider vinegar, and Grade B maple.

FLAVORS. Guayusa Turmeric which is lightly spicy and tangy, Mate Mint (my favorite) has a mildly sweet mint flavor, and Pu-erh Root tastes like flat root beer. Black lemon, Cascara Spice, and Matcha Vanilla are flavors that haven’t been released but are coming soon.

BENEFITS. Studies have revealed that adaptogens have neuro-protective, anti-fatigue, anti-depressive, anxiolytic, nootropive (memory enhancing), and CNS stimulating properties. In addition to the general properties, each adaptogen has unique characteritistics. Reishi mushrooms top benefits include anti-aging and immune boosting, Chaga is a powerful anti-inflammatory and natural source of antioxidants, and Turkey Tail is also popular for its immune boosting properties.

EZ IMPRESSION. While the research for the purported benefits is minimal, it is promising. With any substance, side effects should be considered and a doctor should be consulted. With that being said, after drinking the tea, I didn’t feel this amazing clarity or lift in mood immediately, but gradually I stopped focusing on the cloud, and the sun rays became more apparent. Ultimately, I think that incorporating natural substances that have the ability to enhance your overall well being into your daily routine is a smart move, AND if there are potential anti-aging and anti-cancer benefits, then I’m into it.

The GT’s Living Foods company is most commonly known for their Kombucha drinks but they make a variety of products to include adaptogenic tea, wellness water, water kefir, probiotic shots, and non-dairy coconut yogurt. Their mission is centered around synergy of mind, body, and soul using products derived straight from mother nature. ALIVE adaptogenic tea is not currently being distributed nationwide, but is available in select markets. I was able to find it at Whole Foods in the same section as the Kombucha.



What’s one thing that every adult has in common? A To Do List! While they might not have the same content, the fact of the matter is that we all have something to do! It’s just a part of life. Now the question is do we or do we not actually make a list? Well if you ask me, I’m making a list every time! I am a checker offer. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ It literally brings me peace and joy to check things off. I feel organized, effective, and productive! It also just helps me remember the massive amount of tasks that I have to complete. To Do Lists are awesome when done right, but they can also be stressful when done wrong. 

Keep reading to see how I make my lists more efficient!


A To Do starter kit is a must! What does it require? 

  • Small Size Sticky Notes
  • Medium Size Sticky Notes
  • Small note paper pad
  • Colorful pens

I bought these items together in bulk at target for less than  $25.00. 

I like to have specific items designated for making my list because it’s easier to keep up with and in my mind it gives the list a level of importance. If I have my iPad, my computer, and my list kit, I know some things are about to get done!! 


I select 3-4 different color pens and then I assign a priority level from low to high and then urgent. When I used to study for tests in college and dental school I would always use different color highlighters and pens to write and absorb my notes. It was something about the colors that made my notes pop and thus easier to remember. It may be a little anal to assign the priority levels, but just think about a list written in all black w/ no organization vs. one that has 4 colors and each color tells you the level of importance of what you need to do. I’m way more efficient when I color code. 


I always feel like I have a million and one things to do and when I write them all down on one page, I get overwhelmed and my anxiety levels go up immediately! Also, if all my tasks are on one sheet, I try to do them simultaneously. At one point I thought being a “multitasker” made me a high functioning individual, but then i realized when I multitask I never complete my list, I stay forgetting things, and although things are getting checked off, the quality of what I’m getting done is compromised. So I break my list down into three. 

1.A weekly list, which is the master copy and holds everything that needs to be done. 

2.A daily list which is a smaller snapshot and limits how much you can do. I put my top five tasks on this sticky. 

3.A single task sticky on which I write one action down at a time. When I complete it I cross it off the other lists and then choose the next one up. It eliminates multitasking, keeps me focused and I complete my list!!

Another reason I like to break the list down is because you can place them in different locations as reminders. I’m always moving throughout the day, so having reminders in different places ensures that I don’t forget the list I made myself at the beginning of the day. 

There’s obviously more than one way to make a ToDo list. This works for me, and I’m hoping it will give you an idea of how to approach organizing your own list! I would love to hear if you are a list maker and if so what are your tips and tricks to make your list more effective?!