What’s one thing that every adult has in common? A To Do List! While they might not have the same content, the fact of the matter is that we all have something to do! It’s just a part of life. Now the question is do we or do we not actually make a list? Well if you ask me, I’m making a list every time! I am a checker offer. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ It literally brings me peace and joy to check things off. I feel organized, effective, and productive! It also just helps me remember the massive amount of tasks that I have to complete. To Do Lists are awesome when done right, but they can also be stressful when done wrong. 

Keep reading to see how I make my lists more efficient!


A To Do starter kit is a must! What does it require? 

  • Small Size Sticky Notes
  • Medium Size Sticky Notes
  • Small note paper pad
  • Colorful pens

I bought these items together in bulk at target for less than  $25.00. 

I like to have specific items designated for making my list because it’s easier to keep up with and in my mind it gives the list a level of importance. If I have my iPad, my computer, and my list kit, I know some things are about to get done!! 


I select 3-4 different color pens and then I assign a priority level from low to high and then urgent. When I used to study for tests in college and dental school I would always use different color highlighters and pens to write and absorb my notes. It was something about the colors that made my notes pop and thus easier to remember. It may be a little anal to assign the priority levels, but just think about a list written in all black w/ no organization vs. one that has 4 colors and each color tells you the level of importance of what you need to do. I’m way more efficient when I color code. 


I always feel like I have a million and one things to do and when I write them all down on one page, I get overwhelmed and my anxiety levels go up immediately! Also, if all my tasks are on one sheet, I try to do them simultaneously. At one point I thought being a “multitasker” made me a high functioning individual, but then i realized when I multitask I never complete my list, I stay forgetting things, and although things are getting checked off, the quality of what I’m getting done is compromised. So I break my list down into three. 

1.A weekly list, which is the master copy and holds everything that needs to be done. 

2.A daily list which is a smaller snapshot and limits how much you can do. I put my top five tasks on this sticky. 

3.A single task sticky on which I write one action down at a time. When I complete it I cross it off the other lists and then choose the next one up. It eliminates multitasking, keeps me focused and I complete my list!!

Another reason I like to break the list down is because you can place them in different locations as reminders. I’m always moving throughout the day, so having reminders in different places ensures that I don’t forget the list I made myself at the beginning of the day. 

There’s obviously more than one way to make a ToDo list. This works for me, and I’m hoping it will give you an idea of how to approach organizing your own list! I would love to hear if you are a list maker and if so what are your tips and tricks to make your list more effective?! 

BODY ANALYSES: The “SMART” way to weigh yourself!

Traditional scales are a scam!

Ever since the 6th grade  I’ve been the type of person that weighs themself everyday. Literally everyday. I did/do that because it allows me to keep long term track of my weight and I don’t tend to gain more than 5 pounds because I’m so aware of how much I weigh. When I start gaining weight I know immediately and can make the necessary changes. I think we all have different types of relationships with the scale… whether I have a healthy one with it or not well that’s another topic for another blog.

But I’ve been traveling and in transition for the last four months and as a result I haven’t had access to a scale on a daily basis. I recently signed up with a new gym and they offered me two InBody Scale analyses for the FREE! So of course I hopped on that deal! 

Keep reading to see what I experienced and learned during my analysis.


So this is how my experience went.

Stepping on the Scale!

A trainer contacted me two days prior to my appointment and gave me basic instructions to track my food and drink lots of water. I went to the InBody website and they have a pre-appt informational video (which I’ve posted below). Some instructions they give are:

-Don’t drink for 45 mins prior to resting

-Don’t eat 2-3 hours prior

-Don’t workout atleast 3 hours prior 

-Stick to your normal eating routine the day before

When I arrived I got on a scale and held these little handles for about a minute. Then from there I filled out a questionnaire that really aimed to identify my existing fitness and nutrition habits, what my current goals are, and how do I prioritize my goals. I was then given my Body Composition Analysis and the trainer proceeded to break down the stats. 



From the breakdown of my stats, this is what I learned.

-I have inflammation in my body and I need to drink more water.

-I don’t consume enough protein for my lean body mass (LBM). As a general rule we should be consuming 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass in order to maintain. When I tracked my food my average daily protein intake was 90 g, but LBM is 119. 

-My basal metabolic rate is 1550 calories which is the minimum number of calories my body needs to function at rest. So I need to consume that amount of calories to function at a basic level. Based off of my tracking of food for the few days prior to the meeting I wasn’t eating enough calories. Who would’ve thought I’m not eating enough?!!! 

-I haven’t really identified a specific goal. I think I’m really just trying to maintain. She gave me a website (Tdeccalculator.net) that helped me identify my maintenance and cutting calorie consumption and the corresponding macros.

-We talked about my workouts and how I should organize them. She stressed that it’s important to work primary muscles prior to synergistic/secondary muscles because if you work those first, you’re simultaneously working the primary, so when you finally go to work the primary muscles they’re already tired and your form be compromised leading to a greater risk of injury.



I really learned about my body. It was like a speed date introduction to my body. I didn’t have to make assumptions. It gave me exact insight on how to adjust my eating habits. My trainer was professional and informative. She knew what she was talking about and I came out of the session with a decent understanding of how I should move forward. I was given tools to help like a list of food options to eat to help meet my macros, a website to help identify and count macros, and the opportunity to sign up for personal training. 

It was a fairly quick process and I left it feeling encouraged which is not often how one feels after being weighed.


A traditional scale is pretty much useless. Why? Because it’s not an indicator of health. It gives you a number that doesn’t distinguish between fat, muscle, or water which is what our bodies are made up of. It literally just gives you a number with no background information. 

60 seconds on a high tech scale and 20 minutes with a professional gave me more information about my “weight” than the scale has given me in the past 20 + years.

So here’s some food for thought… or questions to ask yourself (because I asked myself these questions after my experience).


(1) What type of scale person are you? 

i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, not at all

(2) Does your method of weighing yourself assist you in your body composition goals?

If you haven’t tried the BCA you definitely should. There are a lot of gyms that offer this service, but maybe you don’t have a gym and you only do home workouts. They have started making at home affordable scales that measure more than just weight. 

I’ve dropped a link to an article that’s identified and rated the top 5 smart scales of 2021. 


Throw your scale away! It’s time to weigh ourselves the “SMART”  way!


As part of my job I have to move every two to three years. While it’s exciting to be able to live in different places, one of the downsides is having to re-establish a home-base. Whenever I move I have to find a new place to live, places to grocery shop, get my hair and nails done, and oh let’s not forget finding a new gym! For me finding a fitness home is a High priority. It’s on the same list as finding an actual home, except obviously way further down the list. 

At the end of July I moved to Norfolk, Virginia and after being displaced for over a month with no steady place to workout, I had to find a gym and I had to find one fast!!! I ended up becoming a member of OneLife Fitness. 

Keep reading to see what qualities I used to choose my new Fitness Home.


The whole purpose is to EaZe along this continuous journey and be consistent. I can’t do that if just getting to the gym is going to be difficult. What I like about OneLife is that it has several locations around the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area, so no matter where I go I’m always within 15-20 mins of a gym. Their work hours are also conducive to my work hours. I need a gym that opens up early so that I can workout and still be at work by 6:50. Not only do they have gyms that open up at 0500 but they also have a few gyms that have a 24 hour option during the week. Now that’s what I call #winning !!!!

We already know it’s a struggle just to convince yourself  to go to the gym. So if that gym is too far from work or home, located in a complicated traffic pattern, or has unacceptable hours then it’s definitely going to be a NO for me. 


I’m trying to stay fit, but not at the expense of my health. We are still in a pandemic and ultimately going to a public gym is a risk, especially because gyms can get crowded. 

OneLife made me feel safe from the start. They have signs posted everywhere that stress that safety and public health are one of their main objectives. They promote mask wearing and following CDC and state guidelines. At every station and in between every station you can find towels and cleaning supplies to wipe the machines down, and out of all the times I’ve been to the gyms, there has never been an instance where there hasn’t been staff actively cleaning. 

Now you might think oh well that’s in every gym. That’s expected! It is expected! But it’s not in every gym. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been to a gym, and they’re out of paper towels or they don’t have wipes or spray to wipe down the equipment. 

To top it all off, the fitness chain has installed AIRPHX units in all of their facilities. AIRPHX units are machines that can reduce bacteria, viruses, and other dangerous toxins in the air and on surfaces in large facilities. 

If I don’t feel safe, I’m not going, so the safety features are definitely a big plus for me. 


It’s a pet peeve of mine when a gym lacks versatility for workouts. So for example, I’ve been to gyms that had a huge free weight area, a medium cardio section, and some machines, but no functional training area and no studio space. When I walk into a gym I want to feel like I’m in a theme park. I should be able to spend an hour their everyday for two weeks and not have to repeat the same workout. 

OneLife Fitness is definitely the six flags of fitness chains. I haven’t been to all of the locations yet, but of the ones that I’ve visited they all had multiple floors, cardio areas, weightlifting areas w/ free weights & machines, functional training sections, and studio spaces for cycling, fitness classes, yoga and Pilates. Some locations even had pools.


Everyone’s approach to fitness is unique, and if you’re like me, I rarely repeat the same workout twice. The options that OneLife Fitness provides for working out makes it feel like an inclusive gym that encourages all types of fitness. 


Amenities are like the WOW factor of fitness facilities. I always want to know, if I’m paying for something monthly, what else do you have to offer me that makes it worth paying for on a continuous basis. OneLife definitely understands this concept. They have several WOW factors. 

#1. Free services-If a gym doesn’t give you free services, then they’re trash, periodt. There should always be some sort of incentive to show members why they should be at that specific gym. Prior to signing up OneLife Fitness offers a free visit to check out the gym. It’s similar to buying a car, you should absolutely be able to test drive a gym prior to buying into it, so this definitely drew me in. They also offer two free personal training sessions and body analyses for new members. This is key because you get to really assess the professional level of their staff and get a starting basis for where you are in your journey without pulling out any coins!!!

#2.Inclusivity- Earlier I referenced how they take into consideration different fitness styles. Well they  also thought outside of the box and considered  the differences in their members and the certain needs/preferences they may have. For example, certain locations have women’s only gyms. Personally I can workout anywhere in the gym, but I know that it can be intimidating going into a male dominant area, so I think having this option absolutely tailors to the need of the population that would like a more private workout. They have a kids center for parents who need to workout but don’t have child care. Additionally they have cinema cardio rooms!!! Like WHAT IS THAT??? You can literally get your cardio on and simultaneously watch a movie! Cardio is Hardio. Having a distraction like cinema is definitely something I appreciate.

Cardio Cinema!!!!!


While a gym is a place for people to sustain fitness, it’s also a business, and over the years I’ve noticed the trend of “luxury gyms” with “luxury prices.” 

But I’ve never felt like the amenities they touted were actually worth paying over $100 a month. That’s literally highway robbery! On the other hand, you have your $10 gyms that have weird rules and no amenities. It’s like two extremes, but OneLife Fitness is definitely a balance of the two. The two monthly membership prices were 29.99 and 39.99 and they didn’t have a ridiculous sign up fee. I honestly think you’re getting way more bang for your buck with this gym!

Choosing a gym is like getting started in a relationship. This is a fitnesship!! It’s a committment and it needs to be a match! My gym and I should be equally yoked!

If you’re looking for a new gym, hopefully evaluating these qualities will help you make a decision and if you have OneLife Fitness in your area, go check it out!! Tell them I sent you! 😉


I’m turning 35 in a few days and don’t get me wrong… I am ecstatic about it, but also a little wary. Why? Well because I can’t predict exactly how aging will affect my body or my health.

This summer I decided to recommit myself to running. I hate running, but when I was in middle school and high school I could run a 7 minute mile. Now… not so much. On a good day I’m running it in 9:15, but if the distance increases…. my mind literally just shuts my body down. Now I know this isn’t solely because of age and more likely due to my inconsistency with my running habit and my negative mind set towards it, but when I was inconsistent and young, it didn’t matter. I could still run a fast mile regardless of how long it had been since I practiced. As I age, I realize that I have to adjust my habits in order to maintain a certain level of fitness.

Keep reading to see the steps I’m taking to age gracefully into fitness!


Self Care is such a hot social media term these days, but that’s because it holds value. Self Care results in Self Preservation which really is the Goal! In taking care of our bodies and minds we can effectively prolong or even overcome certain unwanted affects that getting older can have. Strictly speaking about fitness, age can be detrimental because our bodies are inching towards the end of their life cycle. Muscles lose mass, strength and elasticity. Bones become brittle and cellular healing capacity declines.

Self Care looks different to everyone but these are my go tos for fitness and self care:

-Flexibility and Mobility Training

-Percussion and Massage Therapy

-The use of props/appropriate safety personal protective equipment when working out (i.e. – wearing good running shoes, using blocks and straps in yoga, wearing waist and knee braces if I’m lifting heavy).

-Knowing WHEN and HOW to rest my body


I’m not saying that you shouldn’t push or challenge yourself. You absolutely should! Yet there is a fine line between pushing yourself and injury. If we know our body’s ability to heal isn’t 100 percent, why would we intentionally put it in a position where it has to?

By knowing my limits I am effectively listening to my body. Understanding that running a 7 minute mile isn’t impossible, but it might take me some months or years to get my cardio back to that level. While it might hurt my ego, I have to admit that physically I am not where I used to be AND physically it might take me longer to get back to where I once was. It’s about being honest with yourself and then moving forward accordingly.


Continue to set goals, even though they may have changed. Goal setting is a motivation and accountability tool. We evolve as we age, so it makes sense that our goals will change. It’s still important to set them so that we can visualize and form a path towards what it is we are trying to achieve.

My fitness goals for this year are to improve my cardiovascular health. I want to be able to make running a daily habit. I also want to continue to grow in my yoga practice and improve my flexibility.


Like I said earlier, running would probably be easier for me if I had stayed consistent with it. Why is consistency key? It’s key because achieving a fitness goal doesn’t magically happen overnight. It takes hard work and dedication over a long period of time. If you’re always starting and stopping, it takes longer to get to where you want to go and every time you stop it becomes that much harder to start.

I don’t know about y’all, but I’m all about finding an eazier solution for the same outcome. So yea…. Consistency!!!


Appreciate where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going. This is all about offering yourself grace and understanding for where you are in your journey.

I honestly got mad when I realized I wasn’t running as fast or as long as I used to. Like legit mad, but then I paused. I thought to myself… ‘ you formed a healthy habit of running at the age of 11 and 24 years later you can still do that activity, just at a different level.’ Then I thought… ‘imagine what you can do in another 24 years if you’re consistent and intentional with the goal you want to achieve?!’

Taking a moment to give myself grace gave me the time to process the situation in a completely different way. A way that encourages and motivates me to do what I have to do.

A part of me is afraid of getting old. Afraid that I will lose the abilities that I have now. While that might be true, I realize that how I age isn’t something that’s completely out of my control and that I have the power to age with grace. I do not have to be bounded by fear.

I hope these tips are helpful to you all! Let me know what you’re doing to age gracefully into fitness!


In 2009 the term Staycation was added to the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary. A combination of the words stay and vacation, they defined it as “a vacation spent at home or nearby.” With travel coming to a halt during the pandemic, staycations were a saving grace for travelers across the world, including myself. I was used to taking a trip whether small or large at least once every three to four months. Unable to board a plane, and stationed in a country 7,000 miles away from my family I began to feel stuck and claustrophobic. So I started to experiment with staycationing. A little over a year later, I now consider myself to be an avid staycationer and I’ve found that there’s definitely a technique to having a successful holistay! Keep reading to see my approach to a successful staycation!


We all have our own reasons for needing or wanting to take a trip. Knowing what that reason is prior to traveling gives us the opportunity to tailor our experience to our specific needs. Ask yourself why would going on a staycation be beneficial and what is your intention?

I decided to go on my last staycation because I needed a gratitude refresher. I was getting bored and overwhelmed with my daily routine and things that would normally bring me joy were no longer having the same effect. Taking a staycation allowed me to push the pause button on my day-to-day, recharge my battery and come back refreshed able to once again appreciate the small things.


The “stay” in Staycation does not mean you have to stay at home, but you also don’t have to leave home. There is flexibility in the term. The idea is to find a location that offers you vibes, convenience, scenery, food selection, access to activities or whatever it is that you deem important during your time off.

For this particular trip I only had two days to unplug and relax, so I focused on finding a place with upscale lodging that didn’t require extensive travel time. I chose the Wyndham Grand because it was a 10 min Uber ride from my flat, and the luxurious rooms offered a view that could set and maintain the vibe I was looking for.


Once you arrive at your destination, the first thing you should do is revisit your reason for taking this staycation. Write down your intentions, take a few minutes to mediate and feel/establish the energy of a different space. After that in the words of Nike “JUST DO IT. ” Whatever it is that you came to do, do that and do it unhindered.

My “JUST DO IT” moment began with putting on my robe! Robes in hotels symbolize relaxation, so I walked into the room, put my robe on and I was immediately in an unplug mindset. I spent the rest of the weekend reading, resting, and eating!


So, I think by now you can see the trend of checking in with your intentions. It might seem repetitive, but if you go on a trip for a reason and the trip ends without getting what you needed, then what was the point? When you stay true to your why, then you’re able to accomplish the goal you initially set out to complete, meaning the trip was worthwhile. That is the last step, asking yourself if you feel fulfilled.

Although things are starting to open back up and vacations no longer have to be on hold, I believe staycations are here to stay! Vacations are a form of self-care and so are staycations. Not to mention they require less funds, less time, and less travel. If you have a staycay coming up, try my approach and let me know how it goes!

Prana Mat

I’m stubborn when it comes to seeking out professional help for pain, which is ironic because I’m a dentist. I really think it’s more about the inconvenience. I hate having to make an appointment, take time out of my busy schedule, wait in a doctors office, etc. But last June, I hurt myself pretty bad. I strained muscles in my shoulder, back, and neck. I workout 5-6 days a week, and while i consider going to the gym and yoga as an investment in my health, those activities also take a toll on the body. My fitness routine had yang and no yin, which is what i believe ultimately led to my injuries. 

Once i was injured all I wanted was to be 100% healthy again, so I began to seek out ways to expedite my healing process. I tried acupuncture, dry needling, massage therapy, cupping, and acupressure. While I can talk about all of these methods, and probably will highlight them at some point on the blog, right now I just want to focus on acupressure. 

Being in the field of dentistry I am all about evidence based medicine and the literature. With that being said I am notclosed minded when it comes to alternative medicine. Sometimes there’s a lack of literature but not a lack of personal experience to support the efficacy of the therapy. To be clear… currently evidence says acupressure MAY be beneficial in the management of a variety of symptoms. I’m not here to support the evidence, my goal is to share my experience.

WHAT IS ACUPRESSURE? Is a form of complementary and alternative medicine therapy with origins in China. A short explanation is that points across the meridians are activated which results in pain reduction. It is a form of acupuncture with similar reflexology concepts. Overall activation of these points leads to the release of muscular tension and other therapeutic effects.

•WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Management of pain (chronic pain, back pain, trauma, dysmenorrhea, etc), nausea and vomiting related to pregnancy and chemotherapy, dyspnea, fatigue and insomnia reduction. The list is extensive.

•EZ EXPERIENCE. When I first laid on the mat, it felt like I just laid on a bed of porcupines. It was UNCOMFORTABLE, but that feeling did not last, and I actually found it to be beneficial. After about 1-2 mins the prickly feeling goes away and as long as you stay still, the pricking turns into more of an overall soothing. Being forced to stay still allowed for both my mind and my body to settle.I chose to lay on the mat for about 15 minutes. When I was done, any parts of my body that came in contact with the mat were red and had indentations from the pressure contact points. I wasn’t worried about that, the indentations were gone within 30 minutes. What i noticed is that I felt better overall. I could tell my body had released tension, and I felt relaxed. After laying on the mat a couple more times over the span of a month, I noticed that my pain had gone away entirely. To be fair, I do think time and rest played a large part in my healing as well, but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that the @pranamat aided in my recovery.

•EZ TAKEAWAY. @pranaMat and acupressure mats in general are a great alternative for pain management because they allow you to take control of your self-care. You can do it on your own time, the mats are small enough that they can be travel friendly, and you don’t have to depend on anyone to aid in your therapy. There are several mats on the market, some can even be purchased on @amazon. In general the prices range from $20-300. I chose @pranaMat because I saw an ad on Instagram, and when I looked into the people using it, they seemed to be really happy with their results. In addition, the company is centered on holistic well-being and they focus a lot of their effort on producing mats with integrity. Sometimes I lay on the mat and meditate, sometimes I choose to read a book, but the fact of the matter is that I always leave the mat feeling better than I did when I got on it. 

References: Contemporary Acupressure Therapy J Tradit Complement Med. 2017 Apr; 7(2): 251–263.Published online 2016 Jul 22. The efficacy of acupressure for symptom management: A systematic review. J Pain and Symptom Management. 42(4). 589-603. April 2011

CapeTown Vibez

Have you ever been to a place that you immediately fall in love with because of its energy? Well that’s the effect CapeTown, South Africa had for me.

Brief History: CapeTown is a port city on the southwest coast of Africa. It’s multicultural with tourist attractions such as Table Mountain, V & A waterfront, and Boulders beach. It’s also the location of Robben Island the prison where Nelson Mandela was held for 27 years. A bronze statue of him can be found at the city hall, the place where he delivered a historic apartheid speech briefly after his release from prison. It is clear that CapeTown history is complex and rich. A place where a struggle for freedom has heavily shaped the culture.

In 2020, as people have become hyper aware and cautious with self care, phrases such as protect your energy and positive vibes have become common mottos. My trip to Cape Town embodied these mottos! The city’s powerful energy infused positivity into my own energy. The weather, the friendly people, the beautiful landscape just made me want to vibrate higher. I wanted my energy to match the energy of my surroundings.

The Workout: My airbnb was located in the hills a couple of blocks up from the waterfront. Running uphill wouldn’t normally be my choice of cardio, but during just one Uber ride I saw several people outside strolling, jogging, and biking. The people seemed very fit conscious and the beautiful terrain seemed to be the ideal place to get a workout in. 
So i created a track inspired HIIT workout dependent only on the hill and stairs outside of my Airbnb. 
-Circuit 1: Uphill Sprints followed by static lunges. 10 sets, 10 reps on each leg for lunges, 1 min rest in between sets. -Circuit 2: Stair sprint followed by 10 burpees. 10 sets, 1 min rest between sets.

The Outfit: For my first trip to Africa, i wanted fitness gear inspired by the culture. I chose to wear the Raha sports bra and leggings from @zawadicollections kente collection. Kente cloth is a woven material native to the Akan ethnic group of Ghana. Characterized by bold colors and patterns, this cloth is rich in symbolism and history. @zawadicollections created this collection for the “cultured, confident, and captivating woman.” I paired the outfit with an @Nike track and field inspired crop and the sneakers to match.

I firmly believe that traveling is a form of therapy. Post travel i like to feel enriched whether it’s because of knowledge I’ve gained, or much needed R& R. CapeTown was good for my soul. I fed off it’s vibes and ultimately left with a higher sense of self.


When is the last time you did something for the first time?
2019 has been a year of firsts for me. I started my first business, i moved overseas for the first time, and most recently I decided to take a trip by myself. 
Traveling has always been a way for me to find solace and peace. My everyday life is busy and stressful, so in order to stay grounded and balanced, i like to take a trip every couple of months. Taking a pause from my day to day, to experience something new allows me to recenter, return to the present, and remember all that I have to be grateful for.

•In August, I moved from Washington D.C. to Manama, Bahrain right after completing a 2 year residency. So by the time November rolled around, to say I was burnt out would be an understatement. I knew i needed a vacation, but I didn’t have anyone to go with. As a single, black female in the Middle East, traveling by yourself is obviously not the most ideal situation, but like I said, i was mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. I had to make a choice between my fear or my wellness…… So I ended up in Muscat, Oman. 🤷🏾‍♀️

•Oman is a high income middle eastern country found between the UAE and Yemen. It is unique in that its terrain includes , mountains, deserts and beaches, and it’s borders merge into the Arabian Sea. So, basically it’s majestic. Stepping off the plane into Muscat (the Capital and largest city) was both literally and figuratively like taking a breath of fresh air. 
A lot of times during my trips I focus on fitness, and while i did workout on this trip, it took a backseat to my mental and emotional wellness. 
My solo vacation was exactly what i needed . Here’s what I learned.

EZ solo vacay takeaways.
Set an intention. A solo trip is almost like a meditative experience. You don’t have any distractions so you really have the time and ability to breath and focus. When you set an intention for your trip, you provide a framework for whatever it is you want to accomplish during your time off. My intention was overcoming fear.
Talk to yourself. The first day, I literally did not speak a word. I said nothing to no one. At first i was extremely disturbed by it, but then i realized i had been having conversations the entire day, the conversation was just with myself. That may seem weird, but when you think about it, if you’re everyday life is consumed by interactions and conversations with other people, when do you have time to communicate with yourself?
Explore. I could have done more of this, and will probably have to go back to truly see what Muscat has to offer, but… I did go hiking in the mountains next to my hotel. I didn’t want to go too far since i was alone, but i had so much fun! Climbing, sightseeing, watching the sunset from the rocks. It was exhilarating. I created a moment that i will always remember. Exploring helps you to make memories of your trip.
Indulge. Eat good, sleep good, and get a massage! Spend a little money on yourself, because you deserve it. If you don’t spoil yourself, who will?

•Vacationing solo is about self-love and self-care. Push the fears and stigmas to the side, book a ticket and hop on a plane, train, or bus to your self retreat!


BLUF: The onesie is ideal for the minimalistic fitness enthusiast! You can attain comfort, fashion, and functionality in one item of clothing.

•I want to start off by saying I am not a minimalist. In fact, I’m the furthest thing from it, but it’s really because I don’t know how to be one. So what does minimalism have to do with an active wear bodysuit … well the Onesie is the optimal minimalistic gym and athleisure ensemble.

On a hot day this summer, I had plans to go to the navy yard to do some sight seeing, fit in a quick yoga flow, and attend a good bye brunch. I needed something that would allow me to move athletically but that could also serve as a leisurely day outfit.

A couple of weeks prior, i stepped outside of my comfort zone and decided to purchase the @freepeople side-to-side performance onsie. It had just been sitting in my closet for all the obvious reasons. I mean babies wear onesies, not adults… and it was one small piece of clothing that i wasn’t going to be able to wear underwear with! I just knew it was going to stick to every curve i had. What if it wasn’t flattering?

At the end of the day, i had already spent the money, so i decided to give it a try. I paired it with an @freepeople elevate tunic … AND…. i freaking loved it! 💛💛💛

EZ Pros:

Functional. Everyone hates when you’re in the middle of a workout and your leggings start to bunch up or even worse slide down. This onsie stays put! The moderate compression keeps it from sliding or slipping. I was able to complete a power vinyasa class with ease.

Comfortable. The material is soft and light. Feels like you just put on a second layer of skin. 

Simple. I like to match when i go to the gym. With the onsie the only thing i had to match was my onsie to my sneakers.

Cost Effective. Eliminates the need for sports bra, panties, and a top. It’s 1 item instead of 4.

Multipurpose. Can be used as a layering item underneath skirts, dresses, sweats, scrubs,etc.

Fashionable. This onsie is sexy. The lines accentuate all curves, the open back gives a peak of skin while still keeping it classy, and the crop gives those calves a pop!😂

EZ Cons:
Bathrooms. When you have to pee, the whole thing has to come down.

Form Fitting. The entire piece is fitted. While it’s comfortable, that may not be the look you’re going for, but you can offset it by throwing anything over it! Literally anything.

The color. As soon as i started sweating you could see it. But they have a 10 different colors.

EZ Final impression. This onsie is the athletic bodycon. I think it’s every woman’s dream to be sexy and comfortable simultaneously. On top of that it’s a minimalistic, cost effective, functional piece of clothing. It’s an investment is what it is. Personally, i plan on investing in a couple of more colors!

French Riviera Flow

BLUF: It’s hard to stay motivated to workout while traveling, don’t let limited access to gym facilities stop your routine. The world 🌎 is your gym!

•I always find it hard to keep up my workout routine while traveling, especially international travel. Between the long flights, the adventure packed days, and the lack of access to gym facilities my motivation tends to wane during my trips. The thing is, it doesn’t make sense to workout super hard to look good for the trip, then get to your destination and waste all your hard work.

“So the question is how do you stay motivated while traveling? “
– I get my inspiration from my surroundings.

Grenoble France
Jamaica vs. Brazil

THE TRIP: This past June I traveled with friends to the South of France to see @chinyeluasher play for Jamaica’s women’s national football team in FIFA’s Women’s World Cup. Through a combination of planes and trains we made our way from Paris to Grenoble, Nice and Reims watching these beautifully strong, freakishly talented women play soccer.
The first match was in a stadium in the mountains of Grenoble. I’ve never been to a professional soccer match before, so sitting in this beautiful stadium surrounded by the French Alpines, watching these girls display crazy skill, endurance and speed, had me beyond motivated to get up and workout, but I didn’t have access to a gym. At least that’s what i thought until i laid my eyes on the Promenade des Anglais 😍!

THE GYM: In between the Grenoble and Reims matches, we took a 3 day diversion to Nice. The Promenade des Anglais is a 7 km walkway sandwiched between southern France shops, bars, and restaurants, and the Mediterranean Sea. It’s prime real estate for running, swimming, volleyball and really any other other activity that only requires open space and award winning views.

THE WORKOUT: The promenade immediately gave me track vibes. With 7km of well paved sidewalk surrounded by rails, benches, and stairs we were able to put together a HIIT circuit. 
-Warm up- Stair climbs 5 mins

-100 m sprints, on the way back to the starting line lateral squat jumps, high knee taps using the rails, and elevated bench pushups. 30 second rest repeat 5x
Jump rope & elevated plank holds (30 sec) 3x

-Cool down- stretching on the rocky beach. (The rocks weren’t really conducive to stretching but the view was 🤷🏾‍♀️)

•EZ TAKEAWAY: The French Riviera did not disappoint as far as unique ways to get a workout in. In addition to working out on the promenade, we walked it’s full span experiencing restaurants and clubs along the way. Castle Hill is an old military citadel just off the promenade. We climbed it’s 92 meters of stairs which led us to the best panorama views Nice had to offer, and since we were feeling daring we traversed the rocky beach to enjoy the refreshingly icy waves of the Mediterranean Sea. There were also several courts hosting spontaneous volleyball matches along the beach. The fact of the matter is that I was limiting myself by being stuck inside the box of needing a facility to workout in. The gym doesn’t have to be an actual “gym”. Wherever you are can be your gym. Step outside your comfort zone and be limitless on vacation!