Name a gym that’s always open and always free… It’s called outside! Gyms are great because they have equipment that can enhance workouts, some provide luxury spas and access to personal trainers, and overall they’re a great place to connect with people who have similar goals.
With that being said, when gyms shut down this past year it made me realize two things. ONE: I was over dependent on having access to a gym and TWO: I under appreciated the benefits of working out outside. Once I realized that I was taking having access to a “free gym” for granted, I became committed to including outside workouts into my routine. Keep reading to see my top 5 reasons for embracing outdoor fitness!

We all know how expensive a gym membership can be. Add on extra items like classes or studio passes and you can end up spending anywhere from $40-150 a month! I’m not saying it’s not worth it, but if you’re budgeting and looking to cut costs just remember an outdoor workout has no fees!
I know the gym is a place for all, but I would be lying if I said I like to share my space with others when I’m working out. I can’t stand a crowded gym, especially now that social distancing is so important. An outdoor workout eliminates that problem. There is no limit on space. You find a space and it’s yours!
Have you ever wondered why a treadmill minute is so long? Or why they have to add TV’s to cardio equipment? It’s because it’s boring!! If you’re a visual person like me, you need something to look at to keep your mind occupied while doling dreadful cardio. Scenery provides that visual. Whether it’s trees, a beach, or city streets there’s nothing like the beauty of nature to keep you focused during your routine.
Okay, so I realize the gym will always be more beneficial when it comes to access to fitness equipment, BUT when you’re outdoors it forces you get creative. Using stairs and benches for strength training, turning trails and sidewalks into your treadmill. Just remember creativity = fun and fun = a more enjoyable workout.
We can all find reasons to not workout. “There isn’t enough time”, “I don’t feel like driving through traffic”, “The gym isn’t open during the hours I have available to workout.” When your gym is right outside your door, there are no excuses! You have no other choice but to get it done!

Take advantage of your surroundings! It’s summertime and after being cooped up the last year, we have no excuse not to get outside and get moving! Join me in appreciating outdoor fitness! I will be posting an outdoor jump rope workout on my Youtube and a beach body weight workout on my Pinterest page this week!