•When is the last time you did something for the first time?
2019 has been a year of firsts for me. I started my first business, i moved overseas for the first time, and most recently I decided to take a trip by myself.
Traveling has always been a way for me to find solace and peace. My everyday life is busy and stressful, so in order to stay grounded and balanced, i like to take a trip every couple of months. Taking a pause from my day to day, to experience something new allows me to recenter, return to the present, and remember all that I have to be grateful for.

•In August, I moved from Washington D.C. to Manama, Bahrain right after completing a 2 year residency. So by the time November rolled around, to say I was burnt out would be an understatement. I knew i needed a vacation, but I didn’t have anyone to go with. As a single, black female in the Middle East, traveling by yourself is obviously not the most ideal situation, but like I said, i was mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. I had to make a choice between my fear or my wellness…… So I ended up in Muscat, Oman. 🤷🏾♀️

•Oman is a high income middle eastern country found between the UAE and Yemen. It is unique in that its terrain includes , mountains, deserts and beaches, and it’s borders merge into the Arabian Sea. So, basically it’s majestic. Stepping off the plane into Muscat (the Capital and largest city) was both literally and figuratively like taking a breath of fresh air.
A lot of times during my trips I focus on fitness, and while i did workout on this trip, it took a backseat to my mental and emotional wellness.
My solo vacation was exactly what i needed . Here’s what I learned.
Sweater by @pullandbear Bottoms are Kuka Shorts by @lululemon lab Sneakers by @adidas
•EZ solo vacay takeaways.
–Set an intention. A solo trip is almost like a meditative experience. You don’t have any distractions so you really have the time and ability to breath and focus. When you set an intention for your trip, you provide a framework for whatever it is you want to accomplish during your time off. My intention was overcoming fear.
–Talk to yourself. The first day, I literally did not speak a word. I said nothing to no one. At first i was extremely disturbed by it, but then i realized i had been having conversations the entire day, the conversation was just with myself. That may seem weird, but when you think about it, if you’re everyday life is consumed by interactions and conversations with other people, when do you have time to communicate with yourself?
–Explore. I could have done more of this, and will probably have to go back to truly see what Muscat has to offer, but… I did go hiking in the mountains next to my hotel. I didn’t want to go too far since i was alone, but i had so much fun! Climbing, sightseeing, watching the sunset from the rocks. It was exhilarating. I created a moment that i will always remember. Exploring helps you to make memories of your trip.
•Indulge. Eat good, sleep good, and get a massage! Spend a little money on yourself, because you deserve it. If you don’t spoil yourself, who will?
•Vacationing solo is about self-love and self-care. Push the fears and stigmas to the side, book a ticket and hop on a plane, train, or bus to your self retreat!