●BLUF: This book offers insight into a young woman’s professional and personal journey. It is raw, relatable, and offers a vulnerability which allows you to connect and empathize with the author and her content.
●PREFACE: @_25karats is a young woman from Chattanooga, TN. I first became acquainted with Kara through our sorority Delta Sigma Theta Inc. (shout out to the MZ Reds). I quickly learned that she had an infectious personality that is bold, genuine, and pure. So when she called me to say she had just finished writing a book, I was surprised, but not really. It’s not hard to recognize someone who is destined for greatness, Kara is most definitely one of those people.
The first time I read through the book, I highlighted sections that resonated with me. There were so many! As I was reading, I found that this leap that @_25karats narrates, not only described my leap to start my fitness lifestyle blog, but could also be motivational to anyone who is in the process or wants to kickstart their fitness journey.
I’ve compiled the following excerpts so that you all can see what I mean! Prepare to be inspired!

“This short, self-reflective body of work is the direct result of feeling unfulfilled where I was, being hungry for a new experience, and forcing myself to do something about it.” Preface, pg. 3
●I’ve had to recommit to my fitness journey several times over the years. Most recently, I was in a rigorous residency that took up all of my time and energy. I was stressed, I gained weight, and I lost my motivation. I realized I needed to find a passion outside of my job, something that was fulfilling and allowed me to get out and meet people. So, I started this blog. I used my discontent as fuel to renew my dedication to fitness and wellness.
●EZ Takeaway:It’s common to look up and find yourself unhappy with where you are in life whether it’s physically, emotionally, professionally, etc. Acknowledging that feeling is great, but even better is taking the necessary actions to move past that point. If you’re unhappy where you are in your wellness journey, GOOD! Let’s use that as motivation to make a change!
“Before emotions drive you to abruptly quit whatever it is you’re doing, stop and think with more logic. What can you do to maximize your experience(s) right where you are?” Phase 1, pg 18.
●Once I made the decision to start blogging about my fitness journey, I had this feeling that maybe I made the wrong decision. There were so many obstacles that needed to be overcome in order to get it going. I wanted everything to be perfect, but every step seemed to be 1000x more difficult than it needed to be. I felt frustrated and discouraged. What I realized is that, when trying to create something that will not only help you but help others, it takes TIME. I had to push my emotions aside, and stick with what I committed to do.
●EZ Takeaway: Whenever you start something, especially a fitness journey, its HARD! Yet, nothing worth having comes easy. Separating the emotional from the logical in the process results in longevity.
“How you handle what’s in front of you now will determine the quality of what’s coming.” Phase 1, pg. 19
●Preach @_25karats ! The first thing that I thought about when reading this excerpt was “You can’t rush the process!” I’m very familiar with the difference between work that I produce when I’m rushed and when I’m not. There is no comparison.
●EZ Takeaway: Take your time! You can’t rush a journey. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. What you put into this process, the difficulties you face will determine the product you get in the end.
“The idea that we can maneuver through this world on our own strength, with no support whatsoever, is an egregious one.” Phase 1, pg 24
●This is a fact. During the entire process of creating my blog, my tribe consistently checked in with me, gave me input and continuously reminded me that I was more than capable to complete my goal.
●EZ Takeaway: Working out with someone, having a trainer to guide you, having friends to lean on and share wellness tips, these are all invaluable to the process. You don’t have to, nor should you go through your fitness journey alone.

“We all experience the same lessons in different ways, but we hardly share. Why?” Phase 3, pg. 63
●This is a question I had to ask myself. I’ve concluded that the reasons I don’t share are either because I’m embarrassed of what I’m going through, I don’t feel that people can relate or understand, or since I don’t have the answer I feel like no one else will either.
“It hit me that being open is how people are healed. Nobody discusses their lows to the same extent they discuss their triumphs.” Phase 3, pg. 65
●EZ Takeaway: You never know what someone else has experienced. They may have the answer to a problem you’ve been searching for or vice versa, but you don’t know if you’re not willing to open up. While this is probably easier said than done, sharing is caring! Cheesy, I know,but true. Share what you go through in your journey. Good or bad, the result will end up in help for you or for someone else.
“Faith and doubt cannot, and we’re never intended to, coexist. You must pick one. ” Phase 4, pg. 78
●This is my favorite excerpt out of the entire book. The amount of times that I doubted myself while creating my blog are endless. What I remember is that, when I was having those negative feelings, I wasn’t productive. It limited my creativity and inhibited my progress. I realized if I don’t believe in myself, I can’t expect others to believe what I’m sharing.
●EZ Takeaway: To be doubtful is a part of human nature, but doubt is nothing but a toxic thought that leads to negative energy. If there is anything that is a must to remember, this excerpt is THE most important. You CAN do this. You ARE capable!

@_25karats uses a flight analogy to thoroughly explain the process of her Leap. Each chapter of the book is compared to a phase that occurs when flying.
●EPILOGUE: My second time reading through this book was on a flight to France. For 8 hours I went back through, re-reading, but also taking time to digest my self-application notes and the areas that I previously highlighted. Reading this book while physically flying truly allowed me to connect with @_25karats flight analogy. While I used this book to relate to a fitness and wellness lifestyle, the book addresses a lifestyle in general. It touches on spiritual, personal, professional, and relational aspects.
I am so proud of @_25karats . I want to thank her for her bravery to step out on faith and share her experiences. I hope that you all will be encouraged to take your own leap as well.
The Leap and What You’ll Reap can be found on amazon. Once you’ve finished let’s support @_25karats and give her some feedback! 💛

Thanks for the suggestion. Will check it out!!!
I so grateful that you wanted to feature me, Erin! This post was flawless (and made me want to add going to the gym today on my to-do list). Keep up the great work! This is going to be huge!